Nathan Rubin

Jul 12, 2005
5 months ago I broke my left wrist, that was the clutch one, :(
It was Scaphoid waist fracture.
2 months ago I started to ride again.
Significat vibrations and hard turns lead to pain. :(
Any ideas how to minimize pain?


Dec 31, 1969
I did the same thing a few years ago... just takes time. It was a good 6 months for me.


Jul 18, 2003
I broke my left scaphoid last Nov. The ortho doc told me that if you don't get if fixed within a reasonable time after injury, it will cause you LOTS of problems down the road. The pain may lesson somewhat but you are doing yourself a disservice to not get it fixed.

I broke mine on Nov 7th and had it X-rayed a couple of days later, doc found nothing. It was still hurting 2 mths later, so a different doc X-rayed it and again found nothing, but he referred me to an ortho doc. This guy (wrist expert) X-rayed it from a different angle and immediately found the fracture. He scheduled me for surgery but put me in a cast to keep me from messing up the wrist any further. He said "If it hasn't healed by now on its own, we will have to screw it together."

Well, God was with me (He always is!) because when the surgery started, the doc found the bone had healed back together! He was shocked. Keep in mind that I broke it on Nov 7th and the surgery was Apr 30th. He stitched me up and put on another cast to allow the bone to continue to heal.

My wrist had weakened considerably after all that time so he put me on some physical therapy. I'm not 100% now but I'm much closer than I was.

You may be a few months out from the injury, but it is not too late to fix it. Don't blow it off...if you try to fix it years down the road, the ortho doc said the repair procedure is much more involved and the chances of success are dramatically reduced.

Nathan Rubin

Jul 12, 2005
Actually I understood that it was fracture immediately after crush. I know the pain of broken bones. :(
After the MRI it was clear that it is Scaphoid fracture. I had the SPICA cast for 2 months. Then I went to the real profeccional private surgeon, he told that the fracture is healed and I went to the physeotherapy. After one month the joint has full movement but pain is still there. It is not problem with pulling the level or tightening bolts but with big vibrations and angular load. :(


Jun 1, 2005
i fractured my rt. wrist 3 years ago. I didn't want to miss work or let my wife know (she would have tried to make me stop riding) so I never got it set. I used a cheap neoprene brace for 6 months at work and now I have all my strength back. Oh yeah, it still hurts everytime I ride or bend it a certain way. Just give it the time it needs no matter how long. It will be worth it.


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
Not a fun bone to break (not that any are *fun*). If you've been to the Dr. and he's given you the green light. I would add my voice to the chorus, and say just give it time.
Good luck with the healing.

for those wondering what bone is being talked about ( I was ), here's a link to a picture.

Nathan Rubin

Jul 12, 2005
My wife understood the situation

moore_716 said:
i fractured my rt. wrist 3 years ago. I didn't want to miss work or let my wife know (she would have tried to make me stop riding) so I never got it set. I used a cheap neoprene brace for 6 months at work and now I have all my strength back. Oh yeah, it still hurts everytime I ride or bend it a certain way. Just give it the time it needs no matter how long. It will be worth it.
My wife understood the situation. She knows that this is dangerous sport and collision may occur even on the flat, unchallenging path. That why I have life insurance. :p
In general , she has no problem with my motto. The money will spent on the hobby by this way or another. It better be this one than diving or para sport , ha ha.

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