Senior KX Rider

Super Power AssClown
Nov 9, 1999

Bubbba goes down hard ... twice!

In the first practice session at Indy today, James Stewart crashed "violently," according to DC, at the end of a whoops section. Bubba got up on the front wheel and went over the bars in a situation similar to his spectacular wreck at Las Vegas last year.

Stewart got back up after a few minutes and got back on the bike, only to crash again after running up on the back wheel of Ryan Mills heading into a corner. The second crash was bad enough to warrant a trip to the Asterisk Mobile Medic Unit, where Stewart was complaining that he had a sore back and had banged his head.

Neither the Medic Unit folks nor Kawasaki could say for sure whether Stewart would be able to race in the evening program tonight. We'll have more updates as we get them throughout the day.


Nov 11, 2003
typical...when you ride as fast and as on the edge as he does everything has to be perfect or you're going down...he never seems to be as on the edge as a young RC did but RC has an undeniable ability to save anything, no matter how out of shape he gets, hopefully bubba has better luck next week, he has the talent, but does he have the head?


Dec 31, 1969
Yup, that Stewart kid sucks. Just another Pastrana. Can't control that balls-out stuff like RC did. He'll never be an RC, MC or CR. :laugh:

super rat

Ass Clown at DRN
Mar 31, 2001
These dirt bikes only have two wheels (ever notice?) Sometimes they tip over, and you fall down. Good job Bubba for sitting it out.


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
We were all a little surprised that Bubba sat out the night show. We saw the two crashes, and yes they were pretty ugly, but they were in the first practice session. Well, about 2 hours later, Bubba came back out for the second practice session and was flying. Maybe he started feeling more of the concussion effects after the second practice?

But it was cool to see Josh Hansen pick up that win - great racing tonight!


Aug 30, 2003
Bubbas the man!!! he will be right there with RC, KW, and CR. or more like they might be right there with him. no matter were hes at hes flyin'. In StLouis last week he crashed in practice friday and his mechanic gave his front fender to my friends son. He was in an interview at the time but later he came back and signed it for him. he later gave away his helmet that he won the championship with.
This guy seemed like he was hell on some brownie points or something. but really hes just that cool of a cat.
next year is gonna be a great year for mx. RC will have a legitimate excuse for not winning. They will go as follows. Out for a season, my 4st isnt as agille as my 2, my knees are screwed adn Bubba Stewart's the badest ridder on the planet.


Feb 21, 2002
Yeah, it was a bummer not seeing bubba race.I didn't see him go down but,like nikki said he was flying in practice.Larocco winning the main made up for bubba not racing :flame: :flame: :yeehaw:


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
Sounds like Vegas last year. When we went over to the Kawasaki rig, I got the sense he wasn't feeling good. Come main time, he screwed up a simple 'bounce on, bounce off' like he was sleeping. That same lap he broke his collarbone. Damnit I hate to see this stuff. I hope this wasn't his 2nd concussion. I had 3 last summer :laugh: before my dumb ass hung up the helmet.

John Janek

Jan 9, 2004
I wish all the guys good luck, and as said, hate to see that stuff. They are all great. Being a RC fan, he has it cut out for him the remainder of this year and next and it will be interesting how he handles CR & JS, as they seem to have rasied the bar higher than before. I just want to see some good clean racing, I like to see push it to the limit, how else do we get better?

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