
Dec 31, 2006
:yikes: Has anyone else heard about this? Cainville is in alot of the freeride mx video's and if you ask the big names in the sport 90% will say this is their favorite spot! I hi-jacked this from a jeep website.
"For specific details check the USA-ALL website, in a nutshell Factory Butte went from an open area to completely closed very nearly overnight thanks to a threatened suit over potentially endangered plants. No limitation to existing routes, just open one day, closed the next, no surprise that this has been high on the SUWA target list.

USA-ALL has a petition to open part of Factory Butte (aka Cainville, etc.),
that you can sign on-line in about 1min. Please go to this site and sign
it, it may help re open this area.

There also is a petition for Equal access that you should sign.

Factory Butte Petition

Equal Access Petition

USA All Web Site please visit also is...ry butte.ASP

If you have never been to Cainville you have no idea what you are missing that place is out of this world looking!

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