
Oct 24, 2001
hey this is going to be long but i have been thinking about it all for a while. I read this on another board so i am going to past it along with my reply. Let me know what you think maybe I am way off base. From some dude on moto///.com Since I think it is important I am going to copy this to the main forum hope you guys dont mind.

I have been out of the MX sceene for about 9 months hidden behind a desk in Utah! I was just checking some results and i noticed a write up on Clear Channel supporting the privateers with money every week for making the you know what this means! this is huge! people actually have a chance to make it without all the bullcrap of brown nosing the right guys and knowing everyone if you are a dedicated rider and have a bit of money and alot of heart you can make it!! All i have to Say is its about damn time! So bottoms up to Clear Channel and in my book this was a good move for the sport.By away form the Sceene i mean i moved from SoCal to but the moneys Good :D..anyhow I read this and i had to reply and tell everyone what a good thing this is!
Posted - March 29 2002 : 07:19:40 AM

Posted - March 28 2002 : 05:11:37 AM
I have been out of the MX sceene for about 9 months hidden behind a desk in Utah! I was just checking some results and i noticed a write up on Clear Channel supporting the privateers with money every week for making the you know what this means! this is huge! people actually have a chance to make it without all the bullcrap of brown nosing the right guys and knowing everyone if you are a dedicated rider and have a bit of money and alot of heart you can make it!! All i have to Say is its about damn time! So bottoms up to Clear Channel and in my book this was a good move for the sport.By away form the Sceene i mean i moved from SoCal to but the moneys Good :D..anyhow I read this and i had to reply and tell everyone what a good thing this is!

it really is about time!
how can anyone get better if they cant make any money at it.. that kicks ass, hopefully other companies will pick this up and provie small pay checks to make it into the mains and stuff.. I bet i could make the mains at the peak of my career that would be great

Posted - March 29 2002 : 6:45:44 PM
I think clear channel is an awesome company and they are doing great things for the sport, I don't know why some people are so bull-headed about change, things must chance as life goes on, you cant be stuck in a time warp forever.

"Do you exshpect me to tauk?" " (laughs) No Mr. Bond...I expect you to die!!"

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7 Posts Posted - March 30 2002 : 12:33:48 AM
Hey guys I think thats great about clear channel giving the privateers what they deserve. But, we really need to be careful before we decide that they are the best thing to happen to off road motorcyles since Japan. Up until the point when supercross started making big bucks I dont remember any serious controversy. Now when there is big money on the line The one group that we know for a fact cares about motorcycling has been put out to pasture. Has anyone else noticed how in the past couple months or so The AMA has been eaten alive by the press? They cant seem to do anything right. I realise that they could have handled some aspects of supercross better in the past but, who do you think cares about our sport and deserves the money that we spend on it? The AMA who spends countless hours lobbying and large sums of money to help us or, Clear Channel a HUGE HUGE HUGE company that by its very nature is in supercross solely for financial gain. Do you guys know what large companies do to products if the market dries up or if they can get a better profit margin from another endever? If the money goes away I bet my bike that clear channel will drop our sport like a bad habit. Pay close attention in the up coming months to how the worlds veiw of the AMA changes and ask yourselves what changed everyones minds. I think Clear Channel is already working on eliminating the competition not only business wise but in the minds of all us riders. So before you decide (I havent yet) who is the savior of supercross. Think about what actually is important to you as a rider. Is it large purses for supercross riders, or lots of affordable local tracks to race on. For me its more about the sound of the first bike cranked up on sunday morning than a fancy light show before a once a year race in my city. Sorry for the long long post but it really worries me that we are so very willing to give our money over in large amounts to a business rather than to an organization that spends at least a percentage of that money for the good of motorcycling.

whew sorry about that

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