
Jan 27, 2000
Well, LongTime, RMJeff, JPivey and DJ129 came out for a little afternoon trail ride yesterday.

JP's initiation outfit was to die for. We tried to get a photo to post, but, JP had the camera and we couldn't get him to take a photo of himself.

I had a little plumbing problem that DJ129 and I had to work on before we went, so, LongTime led the boys on the first loop. 'Don't say it LongTime, I know what you're thinkin,:confused: At least all of my plumbing problems are in my house.':p (RE: The hazmat incident at the Jack in The Box in Big Bear.)

Anyway, DJ and I met up with the boys about 3/4's of the way thru the loop and finished with two of the best sections, Mr. Toads Wild Ride and Gilligans Island.

We tried everything in the book to get LT to throw down that new GASGAS, but, he was riding like a man possessed. We figured once he finally got a scratch on it, he would stop worrying about it and just ride it.

Finally, as we entered Gilligans Island he got a little overanxious and tossed it away. I must say, it was pretty neat the way he placed his body between the ground and the bike to protect it. I was pretty excited to think that he finally got a scratch on the thing, but, upon further inspection, it was un-scathed. LT's body was MORE than enough padding to protect the bike.:scream:

Anyway, we had a great time and we all got back in one piece. Another great ride.

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Apr 13, 2000
Thanks for the invite. I had a great time as usual.

Imagine my disappointment when I had to ride between a new KTM520 and a Gas Gas 300. Both niiiiiiiicccccceeeee bikes.

When the power was rolled onto the 520 it would leave a huge dust cloud and spit a few boulders then the thing would mysteriously disappear.

The gasgas was also nice to see. Alot of trick parts on that bike.

The start of our ride was a little confusing. Apparently somebody put up a fence and buried the tunnel where we were supposed to cross the freeway. So we were forced to ride a few miles on the street. Luckily after finishing off Gilligans Island they had taken down the fence and dug out the tunnel.

Thanks LT for semi-guiding us through the desert. I had as much confidence as my tank had fuel. ;)



Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
That was a blast, 89r thanks so much for the invitation, up until the time we all met up I was thinking to myeslf that I could not remember the last time I had so much fun being lost or just having that much fun period.( Thanks LT )

Little did I know that the fun was yet the come, the toads wild ride was very cool, the single track in the trees was pretty cool, but Gilligans Island was awsome, I was waiting for you to pull over at anytime so you could shoot the hipo.

Well anyways, 89r,LT,DJ129 RMjeff, this ride goes in the file as being one of the most fun rides I've been on and It had alot to do with the company of riders.

Thanks to everyone one of you for a GREAT time and I look forward to doing it again :cool: :cool: :)

BTW, Some guy tried to hit on me after I left :eek: I hope I don't have to wear the dress next time :o
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Jun 5, 2001
I want to join you guys on a Corona ride but I'm a little concerend about the tutu thing. I get monkey butt cause of my soft bootie, a tutu will make it worse. Can I take it off when we start riding? Of course, I'll have undies on!


Jan 30, 2000
Nice report. I'll make it out there one day.

I'm off to Jawbone this weekend for a scout around for the Thanksgiving Thank and Spank if anyone needs some light punishment Tutus are optional.


Jan 27, 2000
Glad you guy's had fun.

JP. Your supposed to take the dress off before you go home.:scream:

elk. I don't know about that, I've never had to wear the tutu. You might ask Gomer. He has had a lot more experience with that than me.:confused:

Kiwi. Really hope you can make it out someday. We have our own 'Squid Filter' that these guy's haven't seen yet.:p But soon.

LT. Are you there? We want to know why you tossed it away in Gilligan's Island. BAWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OOP'S, excuse me.;)


Oct 7, 1999
Lots of fun. Apologies to Jeff and JP for having been tasked with being GuideMaster, since my true title is more like WeakSister, but I hope we had some fun anyways -- I know I did. As to that hill that is a little bit tough, I remember being jealous of the awesome tractor power of the mighty JP 520. And thinking that here, indeed, was where the limitations of my light, nimble, sexy, hot looking, controllable two stroker would come to the fore. But whaddayaknow? A minute later I'm on top gushing about the dang "3 stroke" that I didn't need to drop *from 3d gear* that was so much more fun to climb than on my XR. . .

As to the rest, I almost felt bad for the Ol89r guy. . . when he made us go through single track that people would not believe exists in SoCal, shoved me with his boot, yelled "Go, Go, Go" , etc. to try to rattle me -- well, when the bike finally started tilting left, his maniacal laugh could be heard for miles. . . . On the other hand, when, on the other side of the escape hatch, he found there was nary a scratch, and could not say whether it was due to my "Euro trick" bike's defenses, or my life-and-limb-dive-to-spare-the-bike-because-I'm-35-years-younger-than-the-old-guy-and-can-still-protect-my-bike maneuver, the poor guy was so crestfallen that I almost wished I *had* got a scratch. Course I didn't. And I love my GG.

Much fun, JP and RM (as usual). 89r -- watch for the pics, you quad poster child, you. :p


Jan 27, 2000
Originally posted by LongTime
. . when he made us go through single track that people would not believe exists in SoCal,

(SHHHHH! Not so loud...they might hear you.)

"shoved me with his boot, yelled "Go, Go, Go" , etc. to try to rattle me "--

(TRY? Waddayamean, try?)

"89r -- watch for the pics, you quad poster child, you." :p
They didn't come out. BWHAHAHAHAHA!!!!:p

[Originally posted by RMJeff] "Bring it on Pops.;)

OK, If you insist.:scream:
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scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
Bummed I missed it, I had about 300 other unimportant things to do. :(
Catch up with you guys next time.


Jan 27, 2000
Originally posted by Quadsrule
Who dat???

Golly gee, Jeff. I can't imagine who that could be? He has his hat covering his face, so, you REALLY can't tell who it is. I'm SURE he would never admit it.;)

BUT, I did notice that you accidentally used your old original screen name, (Quadsrule). Well, looks like the cat's out of the bag now.:scream:

By the way, when are you coming back out? I have this new trail that I want to show you.:p


Apr 13, 2000
Originally posted by Ol'89r

By the way, when are you coming back out? I have this new trail that I want to show you.:p

Unfortunately not soon enough. In all seriousness you have some pretty awesome riding at your door step.

If you decide on a weekend ride let me know. The weekday rides are a little tough.


Oct 7, 1999

You caught him! In all his freakin' glory.

I mean, it's exactly what all those threads said -- ball cap, (I'm sure it was on backwards), two guys no helmets, cooler of beer. Even added some funny lookin' stogie for icing on the cake.

Made my day!

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