Good Jump to learn on in the D/FW area??


Aug 2, 2001
I want to learn how to jump. I read that I should practise on a smaller jump at least 1000 times so I can get used to it.

I went to shady grove and had fun but not fast enough at cornering to get the speed to hit a jump and then get ready for the landing and following turn.

Where is there a good practice jump in the D/FW area? A nice straight one with out anything to worry about but Take off, in AIr and landing.

Is there a good one at Marshal Creek?

Or somewhere that is open during the week.

Is there a good one at Shady Grove?

What gear should I be in to jump? How fast should I be going?



Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I think you have one of the best right in your own back yard

so to speak. Go to Mosier Valley on practice nights Tues, Thurs or Sun. Wed for 80 & smaller. During the week practice is from 5:30 till 9:30. On Sun from 12 to 5. The dirt there is great and you will have plenty of running room for almost every jump out there.
Let me know what you think if you decide to go.


Aug 2, 2001
Hi Jeff,

I read some of your posts, very nice. Did you really start racing that late. I felt like I had it tough because I am 30 with no track experience.

I heard Mosier is pretty difficult. I have never hit a jump and got any kind of "air". Shady Grove last week was my first time , I had a blast but all I caught was a mouthful of dirt.

Do you know of any place I can ride where it will not be too busy or just a tabletop somewhere?



Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Tracks that are not busy?

I don't know of any in your area. The track down here in Waco is somewhat unique as it's a members only track, by being a member or a guest of a member we have the gate combination and can ride anytime. I like to take the ragedy old RV out on a Friday night, spend the night and ride Sat mornings before anyone else gets there. It's hard pack and many table tops, whoops, doubles, step ups and a huge tripple. There is a 1/2 mile flat track and some woods. It's a great place to learn without getting run over if you go at the right time. The only draw back is it's really hard pack so if you fall it's gonna hurt a little more.

Burleson is a very rider friendlt track with good dirt. They practice on Wed I think and race 2nd & 4th Sundays.

Here is a link to the Waco track.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I forgot to answer your other question

Yes I did start riding / racing as of late. I bought my 1st bike since the mid 70's about a year & 1/2 ago. It has been a blast to have a chance to ride again.
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