
Feb 5, 2004
i looked at eric's site and i see that he charges $30 for "head mods" but also $50 for machining cyl base and head.

well i just took my head off and the piston is mint looking, but it looks like the previous owner had a problem before. the head has deep gauges and cuts in it from debris going through the motor. so i am wondering, what do i need?
would i need the head machined or have it classified as a mode. really all that needs to be done is have the chamber machined down past the guages to have an even surface, which i guees i would need to have the base of it machined to match(i want to keep stock compression and such)

i found a head for an 89'cr125 on E$#@, are these the same dome piston heads?

could some one lead me into the right direction?
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