
Jun 25, 1999
Well, MX547 has been trying to guilt trip me into riding an mx race with him so I finally ponied up and met him Sunday in Warner, OK to finally convince him once and for all that I have little moto-ing skills. Track and weather conditions were excellent, I couldnt have asked for a better day. Upon arriving, I went and looked at my options for sign up. I had the choice of 250 beginner or over 30. Upon weighing my options, I decided upon the over 30 to keep any future ambiguity from arising as to my skill level (justin????). I rode two motos and ended up in 4th for the day. Not too bad, Huh? Well, to be honest, there were only 4 people in my class, but 4th place sounds much better than "last place." If nothing else, I decided that if I have any hope of competing on the track, I need to twist the throttle a little more and just jump those dang jumps. I know what I need to do, I just havent been able to transmit the correct thoughts between my brain and my throttle hand. Now I am awaiting the re-opening of the track in the Spring to see if I can work up the nerve to maybe jump some and try to compete and some level. It was nice to see that Jay, who is very fast in my book, managed a 4th overall for the day also. Thank you Jay for giving me some pride to take home with me that day. All in all, a good ride at a good track with only a handfull of people on it. I cant think of a better place for a beginning mx'er to start out. With that in mind, I really dont think MC and RC have much to worry about from my corner anytime in the near future.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
I think we shouls change mx547 to mx disciple. I mean the guy converts more woods riders to mxers than a southern baptist preacher during a July revival. I hate to admit it but he actual has me excited about racing a real mx after my DW racing debut. Did you ride your bike Lorin? Surely you weren't going to try and ride it with tthe 250's.:D


Jun 25, 1999
Yep, I rode my bike. Truth be told, the bikes in front of me were a 250f, a kx125 and a yz125. Power wasnt the issue in my class, talent was. There were a few parts on the track where I could make time, but the time lost due to not jumping was too much to overcome. My bike actually did real well at that track, but I realize that if I plan on riding that type of track much, I will have to come up with some adjustments to the suspension clickers when not riding the trees. Plush doesnt work near as well on the track. You may be right about Preacher Jay though, he does work his magic from time to time. I wont be giving up the tree riding anytime soon, I am just looking to up my repertoire’ when it comes to riding that scooter. To be honest, that there pond near the track looks pretty good for some fishing. The redneck in me is considering taking some tackle with me next time out for between the motos! Once again, if you are a newbie, this track is a very good one to start on. Eventually, the word will get out and the track will be as crowded as the rest.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by Lorin
Thank you Jay for giving me some pride to take home with me that day.

i didn't give you any pride, you earned it. i must not be much of a preacher, i couldn't convince lorin's companion to race the women's class.

sandbagger! i'll have you know that i have never dropped a class in my life, well except chemistry.:D besides, i got thumped yesterday.
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