
Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
That's it!! Tonight when I get home we're gonna get this thing done. I'LL perform the surgery and get that thing out of there!!
You load up on the Percoset and I'll sharpen a steak knife. :p


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
How does GSR have a "steak" knife? Wouldn't that be a tofu knife?


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
Good one Patman!


Nov 24, 2001
Mr. Luckey,
I didn't see it mentioned in the thread, but the pain reliever the doctor gave you was probably Dilaudid. My understanding is that it's sort of like synthetic heroine. I don't know this because I'm a doctor(I'm not), but because I too have suffered the pain of a kidney stone(actually 4). I feel your (no doubt excruciating)pain, I had four stones over the course of two weeks and it SUCKED. Fortunately all of mine were small enough to pass, and I haven't had any more in the six years since. Good luck, hope all goes well.

And thanks to Nephron for the info on preventing kidney stones. My doctor didn't tell me anything about kidney stones or how to prevent them.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
I need a pain pill just thinking about this!:yikes:


Sponsoring Member
Jan 1, 2001
Oh man, that sounds painful Eddie. Good luck getting rid of these little buggers. Prolly cant even feel the shoulder right about now I imagine. MY personal advice would usually be to soak it in cider,but im not the doc here.


Nov 7, 2000

I feel for you bro. It sucks big time.

I am the proud owner of a kidney stone

Welcome to the club

I had them last year on X-mas. Woke up X-mas eve with serious pain. I knew what it was as the previous year a passed one in the waiting room at the hospital on New years eve after 4 hrs of pain. What a way to end the year. The next year it was X-mas eve and I had the x-ray bit done and they confirmed what I thought. They released me an told me to come back we it hurt again. X-mas night shortly after dinner "it was on" I was admitted to the hospital that night and put on Mophine injections every 2 hrs. I stayed doped up for 3 three days waiting for it pass. It didn't. The 4th day they got me up a 6:00 AM and prepped for surgury. I woke later that day not knowing were the hell I was. It sucked as I had a Cath tube in me. The nurses were chunking it around when moving me from the gurny to the bed. I had to remind them it was actually attached to something :yikes: They went in with a lazer and broke them up. They didn't cut me open, but I think you know were they put that lazer! I stayed in the hospital for another 2 days fighting the infection with the IV anti-botics they gave me and have my blood taken like 5 times a day. When I left I felt like a pin cusion. They left me with a parting gift, a stint tube in me with a pull string which they had to go and get later. Didn't knock me out for that and made me watch it on the screen with the camera! What a horrible and crule experience that was. I had another Marry X-mas and Happy New year. Let me tell you it was quite the expensive endever. I seriously hope you have good insurance. I found out how good my insurance was. Before insurance It was over 40K. Most of it was the hospital stay and the Surgury. The realy bad part was that was the first expense of the year so I'd not meet my deductable. Then the stint tube removal was on January 7th the next year meaning I had to meet the deductable again. I had to meet it twice in 2 months :ugg:

Mine are calcium based. Get used to drinking water.
Last edited:


Sponsoring Member
May 20, 2001
GOOD GOD! what have you been doing?? torn r-cup, and now this! what hospital you going to? I know the "stoney" is no laughing matter, so I hope everything works out for ya.


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Danman, I have the stent installed right now. Not sure when they are removing it but the Doc said there would be a string attached to it which they'd use to rip it out. Should I be concerned if I don't see a string where I think it would be? :yikes:

Gnarly - I am using St. Antony's up the road. Dr. Howatmah is supposed the be the shiznit in this area.


Sep 4, 1999
I went through the same procedure earlier this year. My stone was not obstucting flow so I chose to try and let it pass on its own. I've passed 3 before and they usually passed within a few day's but I lasted 3 weeks with this one before I gave in.
I was left with a stent to and was a bit suprised to wake up and see the string. And to make matters worse, the stent was to stay in for 48 hours and it was Thursday. Scribbled at the bottom of my discharge instructions was a note from Dr. Jellyfinger that said " You may remove stent on Saturday afternoon by pulling string." :yikes:
I would guess that they will leave a stent with a string in after your surgury.
Good luck, --Dan
Here's a pic of my stone.

Thank's Nephron, Great stuff. :cool:


  • stone.jpg
    38.7 KB · Views: 49

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Ouch! Ed, that totally sux. you are experiencing one pain I will gladly pass on knowing anything about.

Have you thought of going over to East St. Louis and laying on your belly across a set of bass speakers in a low rider?

Nephron, I'm with XRP! I'm liking the suggestion about the brew. Of course, down here it will be Lone Star or Shiner.


Nov 7, 2000
He left the string inside the bladder for me (could not see it, but he said that I might and not to worry if I did). I could not have pulled it out myself anyway! The little grabber they stick up there to get it looked pretty sadistic when she was putting it all together. It was realy not so much painful as it was uncomfortable when removing it. They did put some kind sav my ....ur, member before putting that thing up there. I still would not wish that experience up anyone.

The follow up consisted of me pissing in what looked like a gas can with a sponge in it for 24 hrs and turning it back into the doc for analaysis.

My docs orders were: watch the red meat, sodium, and cutback on the dairy (not elimiate it). That kind of goes against Nephron's advice so I'd like to hear a little more on that. I having a hard time with the dairy as I likes me chesse. I was suppost to go for a follow up in Sep, but my insurance just kicked in from the new job so I will be making an appointment.

If the stones are gone then the worst part is over. Its all down hill from there :cool:


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Last Update!

Well the ordeal is finally over. I went in on Tuesday to have the stent removed after having it for well over a week. The experience started with me being buk nekkid and the Dr peeking his head in the door asking if I was ready. I replied that I was as ready as I was gonna get to which he said towards the hallway "Come on girls". Dubya Tee Eff, girls? So with the Doc in walks 3 wimmen types all about my age. Lets just say that the whole thing only took about 3-4 minutes but it was possibly the longest 3-4 minutes I can imagine. Two of the 'girls' were just there to observe but one of them did coach me on my breathing. You might find it mildly amazing that I did indeed need the breathing coach as I really did forget to breathe a few times. I got to keep the stent as a souvenir and it's quite a bit larger than I had imagined, about 12" long and conveniently coiled on both ends, I assume to make the removal process as uncomfortable as possible. Humiliating, messy, extremely unpleasant but luckily not as painful as I had imagined.

This saga is over!

Danman, as I understand it the changes in diet are tied to which type of stone you had. Some are caused by too much calcium, others too much acid etc.

The common theme with all types seems to be drink LOTS of water. Consuming copious amounts of water will dilute your output and there vastly reduce the buildup of whatever caused your type of stone.


Ready to bang some trees!
Jan 4, 2000
glad to hear man!!!!


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Sounds like a double dose of Dr Buds tonight. Glad it's over for you.

BTW I know about the lovely assistants walking in- at my procedure pre-op appt I walked in and had a PA about 24 yrs old and an absolute 10. The upside is she is one of the few things I am looking forward to tomorow morning


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Glad to hear your on the upswing, no pun intended.

D Lafleur

Dec 11, 2001
Been there done that, the Litho only broke it up enough that enabled the old go back up and remove with basket procedure could be performed. Worst 3 weeks of my life topped with a christmas eve procedure of removing said stint, very humbling/humiliating experiance. However the fun began about an hour later when I went to "go" and figured out that all the healing that had happened from the procedure was now freshly opened from the stint procedure. Merry *@#*$%@#$ Christmas. I am just happy that it is over. Now I am going to go get me a bud. Doctors orders. :laugh:

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