Lori Memorial Weekend Ride - March 6&7


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
With the snow giving us a good scare a week ago we patiently looked at the weather forecast all week. On Monday it said rain all week. The rain did not come. By Friday it said rain in the A.M. Saturday. Only a little drizzle came.

Lori was up there watching out for us as usual. She put her heart to work and helped us have a great weekend as she has done so many times before. The weekend trully belonged to her.

All weekend there were stories of what Lori and Mike have done for people. A garden was erected in her honor and riding was done in tribute. The smiles that were seen on peoples faces were the symbol of Lori's undying devotion to others.

People came from all over to ride this past weekend. Good friends from Michigan, Ohio, Georgia, N.C., etc. Many who wanted to make it could not but they were there in the stories that were told around the campfire. Of course, it was probably for the best that they weren't there to defend themselves :-)

On Saturday I got a little riding in but not too much. I rode the trails and did not step onto the track. Lori's son Ricky and I went through the woods together and had a good time. How he kept that 125 running in the slick spots was a tribute to his toughness. I got to watch him on the 125 racing with Mike on the track and it was a blast just watching them go at it. At one point Danny, Ricky and Mike were all out there at the same time and running close to each other.

Thanks to the generosity of so many people Danny and Ricky got to try out a lot of different bikes. Danny has an 04 and I do not see him changing from it but he did talk a good bit about how nice everyone's bikes were. Ricky got to ride the CRF250, YZF250 and YZ125. Of all things, he said he liked the 125 better.

Saturday ended with Mike giving a nice speech and a friend of Lori's thanking the racing community. She was very thoughtful in her words and appreciative of all we have given to Mike's family. However, the little we have given pales in comparison to what Mike and Lori have given each of us.

Dave Peterson (Whyzee), who bought Mike's old YZ250 to part out, provided a check to Mike for the difference of what Mike sold the bike and what the parts brought in. Thanks to everyone who bought a part and helped contribute.

On Sunday there was much more riding. Rob Shafer and Mike Peskin tore up the Intermediate track while I took to the trails with the Trouts. We did every piece of trail on TNT Sunday. I rode my bike, Vince's bike, Danny's bike and my wife's CRF150.

I got to ride with MadEarthWorm (aka Anthony) on one trail ride and although he is a newbie he is quickly getting the hang of things. He is already faster than I was when I got back into riding and I rode when I was a kid. He is going to get faster and faster.

This is one of the greatest weekends. The comraderie and sharing that went on was great. I have some video footage but only a few good shots on there. I will try to piece together something small along with Gomer's speech sometime this week.

Thanks again to everyone who showed up.



Dec 31, 1969
Thanks Ivan.


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Thanks for the report, Ivan!


'00 Flappin' Fender [Ret]
Jun 7, 2000
truespode said:
For those that didn't make it you were mentioned many times. The DRN family was definately there in spirit and support. Thanks.


You said it, Ivan. The whole DRN family was represented properly, whether it was in person or spirit ... EVERYONE WAS THERE!



Apr 28, 2003
wrench said:
You said it, Ivan. The whole DRN family was represented properly, whether it was in person or spirit ... EVERYONE WAS THERE!


Tells us about your ride on MadEarthWorm's KXF Wrenchypoo :laugh:

The memorial was a lot of fun. It kinda sounds weird saying that but I think Lori wouldn't have wanted us sitting around sulking.


Mr. Meltsomeglass
Jul 25, 1999
Awesome write up as usual Ivan :thumb:


Nov 4, 2002
Thank you for the report... You have no idea how bad I wanted to be there. It just didn't work for us.

I look forward to more reports on this gathering. I am so glad to hear the boys were there and enjoying themselves.

Mike... We were thinking of you all weekend. Hope to see you soon.



'00 Flappin' Fender [Ret]
Jun 7, 2000
dead said:
Tells us about your ride on MadEarthWorm's KXF Wrenchypoo :laugh:

Wwwaaaaattccchhittt mister!



Apr 22, 2003
It was a great weekend, I only wish I could have stayed all day Sunday. I learned a lot and had a blast :thumb: Oh yeah, I'm diggin trail riding (thanks for the vote of confidence Ivan).

After the riding and food and talk and everything else that made the weekend so good I still feel like I missed out because I never met Lori.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
MEW anyone who never met Lori truely is missing out but her spirit is there with us.
I really missed being able to attend but distance and prior commitments made it impossible. I will say though all weekend my thoughts were with you guys and of Lori

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
We all had a great time, just what Lori would have wanted. Tommy rode and played and rode and played and.... :) Danny and I rode until we couldn't ride any more and talked trash in between with many great friends. Ricky got to come, ride with Danny and I, and hang out with many friends that have missed him.

A special thanks goes to Barbara for not only hosting this, but also for feeding all of us, dragging her big screen TV our to the track so we could watch the SX, and generally taking care of us the way that she always does! :thumb:

Eric AKA Tailbone (a lot like Ivan and I, only faster than both of us) was able to make it down from Ohio. We have been closer than brothers for many years. 7 or 8 years ago Eric had an over-the-bars excursions that had Lori tending to him for almost an hour. That night she called Eric's wife to make sure that she knew how serious it could be and that she should make him go to the hospital. As it turned out, he had broken one of the bones way up high in his neck. If she hadn't had the concern and taken the time to follow up, he wouldn't have taken proper care of it and it could have been bad. After that I quit calling him Tailbone and started calling him QuasiMotoCrosser. That name lasted until he got tagged with Homelite...a story for another time. :)

Rob and Mike (from Grand Rapids, MI) got to come down from MI and spend the whole weekend. They were great to hang out with, even if they did spank me on the track.

Jim and Kevin also made it down from Ohio. Thanks, it was great seeing you guys. Sorry I missed you leaving, but I was out trying to avoid Ricky's roost at the time.

Wrench, Brad, Brian, and Rob all made it from Atlanta. You guys have made that trip east a lot more than I have made it west and I appreciate it!

MadEarthWorm successfully headed south for another taste of what dirtbiking is all about. I love his enthusiasm, he does a great job of explaining what we all feel about riding.

My brothers Al, Aryn, Dave, Hank, James, Jeremy, Joe, Larry, Linus, Pat, Trout (and Chris & Monica), and my other-brother-Ivan (and Jenni) all were there for me, as they are most every weekend.

My "real" family members Wayne, Melandie, Ryan, Alan, Vicki, John, and JW all got to come experience the incredible fellowship that we, as riding family, get to experience most every day.

The care and concern from all of the rest of my DRN brethren was also felt this weekend, as it has been for quite some time! :thumb:

If I forgot anyone, it must have been due to that pesky 4 wheeler turning in front of me while in 3rd gear, I'll make it up to you! BTW, the rear tire of Ivan's CRF450 *can* fit waayy up into the back end of an 80cc 4 wheeler.

My brother-in-law, Wayne, got a couple of good shots of Ricky, Ivan, and I.... http://20-20racing.com/Gomer/TNT_030604/Ricky_Ivan_Mike.jpg and of Ricky, Danny, and I... http://20-20racing.com/Gomer/TNT_030604/Ricky_Mike_Danny.jpg

I got a few good helmet videos, including:
3.0MB http://20-20racing.com/Gomer/TNT_030604/TNT_030604_FollowRicky3.asf
1.8MB http://20-20racing.com/Gomer/TNT_030604/TNT_030604_FollowRicky5.asf
3.8MB http://20-20racing.com/Gomer/TNT_030604/TNT_030604_FollowLinus.asf
8.7MB http://20-20racing.com/Gomer/TNT_030604/TNT_030604_FollowPat1.asf

After I turned off the camera filming Linus, he fell in the next turn and I did my duty covering him with roost after he had fallen.

When following Pat I had to turn the camera off when he started leaving me too badly.

It was great to get to ride with Danny and Ricky at the same time, again. Even better was seeing Lori in all three boys as they interacted with their friends. Thank you all so much for giving me that opportunity!
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Jul 3, 2000
I'll just echo everyone else. Even though I didn't ride this weekend I still had a grin on my face getting to hang out with such a good group of people.

Met some new folks, saw some I hadn't seen in a couple of years.

It was great to see Danny, Ricky, and Mike on the track together.

Considering it rained on Wrench and I during half of our drive from Atlanta, I can definitely say Lori was watching. It turned into a perfect day.

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