New Asterisk Cell - Better Knee Padding?


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
Been using Asterisk Cell braces for 3 years, and feel naked without them.... Highly recommend them. :cool:

Anyway, I haven't taken any really bad blows to the knee until this past weekend riding a tight woods enduro. Cruising along, weaving, bobbin', and bouncing. Sitting down, up near the tank, knees bent at about a 75° angle. Rammed a tree squarely on the kneecap... blasted my foot / leg off the pegs. Eyes watered, slowed to crawl just to scream a little inside. Eventually was able to shake it off and motor on.

Back at the trailer I peeled off the Cells not knowing what to expect. To my surprise there was just a scuff / rug-burn type abrasion on the kneecap.... But boy was it tender... touching it was like burying a hot knife in it.

The kneecap protection on the Cell is a thin piece of semi-flexible plastic, with a very thin layer of foam on the inside... maybe 1/8" or so. This design is nice and lightweight, and allows for the kneecap protection to float and slide naturally as the knee bends. Without any of this I could imagine shattering the kneecap altogether. But what I'm wondering is if there couldn't be some thicker foam or at least some material that would absorb / dissipate direct impacts more effectively. Regular kneepads like my kid wears seem to offer better protection for direct knee impacts like I experienced, but would never want to give up the other protection benefits the Cells offer. Basically I'm looking for the best of both.

So.... Do the newer style Cells offer any improvements in the kneecap area? (I realize there are trade-offs here.) Or has anyone done anything to beef up the foam in the kneecap area? 3 Days later my kneecap is still very painful to even touch... so don't know if it's just bruised or cracked.



Mar 22, 2001
Hey Smit, long time no talk. The new Cell has much thicker and rigid end pieces then the old ones you have. The center piece is also more rigid with more padding, this was one of the key improvements on the new Cell. Glad your ok at least.



Who me?
Feb 4, 2001
Can you upgrade the older cell to the new padding and webbing? If so how much are we talking?


Mar 26, 2003
mdkuder said:
Can you upgrade the older cell to the new padding and webbing? If so how much are we talking?
I was wondering the same thing, I have a set of 03' cells and want to upgrade to 07', is that available?

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