
Apr 3, 2001
I am considering buying a dirt bike that would be purely used for riding in the woods. I am a complete newbie to dirt bikes and I have a question: If I was to buy say a 2-stroke trail bike (such as a 95-96 kdx200) and was to ride it approximately 12 times a year (for a day each time) how often would I need to replace piston/rings and how long before a rebore would be needed?

I'm just trying to establish the maintenance cost that come with purchasing a bike.

Many thanks in advance guys.


Dec 1, 1999
FWIW - My wife rides her KDX200 quite a bit more than 12 times a year and we've yet to put a top end in it in the year and a half we've had it... I'm getting ready to put one in it "just because". It runs fine, I just want to put it back to "new".

Also, unless you "blow it up" you don't rebore at rebuild like in the old days. The new bores have a hard coating that holds up well. Just the piston and rings wear (normally).


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