
Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
Football / Hockey Pads ???
I am currently recovering from a collarbone break (my second one, same side :( that I suspect was caused by my helmet digging into the bone. I had a Thor AfterShock chest protector, but there is a gap that I plan on protecting on future rides with a foam neck/clavical protector. Duh, should of had one already.

I know that there doesn't appear to be any type of protective gear available for the side-of-shoulder impact that causes collarbone breaks. My question is, do the big shoulder pads that football and hockey players wear protect them against side impacts well enough to prevent CB breaks after a hard tackle or body check?

I really don't want to break another CB, and want to take every precaution necessary. Since it doesn't take much of a side impact, why don't more football and hockey players break theirs? Or do they?



Apr 10, 2002
hmmm its been 8 weeks since my collarbone break and its feeling like it never boke, they had me wearing a figure 8 brace to pull my shoulders back, it helped but it was painful, i plan on getting back to riding and skating in about 2 to 3 more weeks thank god its almost been 2 months since i rode!!!


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001

How long did you wear the figure 8 strap? How aligned was your break?

Mine is in 3 pieces, with a small floater in the middle. X-ray looks like a "Z" instead of a straight line.

I had a big bump from the first one 20 years ago, so I can't imagine it will look like now. :scream:

Shawn Mc

Apr 8, 2002
I wore the figure 8 for 5 weeks and couldnt take it anymore. I quit wearing it. No problems. I also didnt know I shouldnt lift anything for full 8 weeks. Blew that too. Oh well. If the movement stops, and you know what I mean by movenment, if your really careful, you can get away from wearing the brace. Thats what my P/A told me, the doc wont tell ya that, cuz he's not going to open himself up for a suit! If your a glutton for punishment, wear the brace and flail about.


Feb 6, 2002
Originally posted by Smit-Dog

Mine is in 3 pieces, with a small floater in the middle. X-ray looks like a "Z" instead of a straight line.

Check out my x-ray in my photo gallery. I just got released by my doc after 4 months. The bones have not healed back together, everything is held in place by some kind of fibrous tissue. He claims it will be as strong or stronger than if the bones actually mended back together.


Jun 10, 2002
about a month anda half a go i hit a guide wire for a power pole, and did osmthin to my collar bone, i odnt know if i broke itor not, never went to doctor, but it hurt for abotu 2-3 weeks, and the mean time i was workin with it movin it doin my usaull work except jumpin bike, and now its jusst fine, its gotta bump in it, feels deforemed, but oh well, can ride like i did before, no probs here

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