
Nov 18, 2002
Ok so i've gotten used to 30 degree temps so much that I can walk casually out to my car and go somewhere without shaking and rubbing my hands. Needless to say i've also found the perfect jetting for cold weather and the perfect combo of underwear and gear to stay at a comfy temperature. On to the story. We just had a small snow fall with very high winds. Most of the heavy stuff stayed to the south. The combo of only 3inches of snow and 40mph winds makes for very strange snow drifts. I seem to have forgot this even though i've lived in northen illinois for my entire life. I see dry spots and some spots with snow so I decide that I can ride without much difficulty. So I fire my bike up and head out. i'm riding well for about a minute then I hit a flat snow spot that i thought would be an inch deep at most. WHAM my front tire sinks in and my bike stops instantly. Thankfully I just com out of a out of control donut so i wasn't going fast enough to go over the bars. So i started am sitting there pulling back the throttle and it's revving but no movement. No i'm not in neutral the ground is solid ice and the snow won't allow me to move. So i get off and survey the situation and i'm up to my footpegs in snow. I finally get out but do i quit after that? Nah I do it about 10 times more i only get stuck 3 out of those 10 times. My brother had to show up just in time to laugh at me on the 2nd time. "It's not a snowmobile retard!". It was fun though.

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