KDX Racer

May 11, 2001
Went to the first practice session at Badlands MX Park yesterday. Russ has been a VERY busy man!! The updates and changes to the track are very good. It was a bit muddy the first session, but it got better as the day wore on.

Here are the changes that Russ made.

The start remains the same but there is a MEAN double after the first turn. Then there is the right hander to the step up that was there last season but it is BIGGER and a little longer, the fast guys jump the complete step up / step down. After the right hander after the step up is the same double then a big surprise for everyone, two sets of nasty doubles. I am talking supercross type jumps. No one in my class and very few in the "A" class were doubling them, they are a little to steep and a little to far apart for most riders. I hope Russ makes a few changes to these doubles. After the doubles its a right hander to the day track, I'll talk about that some other time. The remainder of the night track only has three more changes. After the two sets of doubles instead of turning right to the day track you would go straight up a big hill Russ has put in then a tight 180 down the hill to a cool tabletop and then on to the step up triple then right hander, short straight to a left hander then a small tabletop then a short straight to the finish line jump. Russ did make changes to the finish line, but it is about the same as before. After the finish line you have a right hander then the same double and then the same triple, then you do a 180 to the same step up that was there last year. Then Russ put in a BIG hill in before the first turn.

I like most of what was added, but I hope that Russ will make the two new doubles more jumpable for average and OLD riders.

Hope to see everyone at the track soon.

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