Carb float pin--00 EXC 200--leaking gas.


Feb 14, 2002
What's keeping the carb float pin from loosening, or starting to fall out, when carb is put back together. Anything at all? Can the pin go in from either side of the carb? How does it stay there? I'm wondering if I have a problem there.

Been having some trouble with gas leaking straight through the carb vent tubes. After clening the carb out, and putting it back together several times, because the leak did not stop, I looked for another solution and adjusted the float on somebody's advice.

Now I'm sure the float wasn't the problem initially. So I'm trying to adjust the float level back to normal positioning. Float level now seems to stick, with gas leaking out the vent. :whiner: Dirt has been cleaned out, and tip of valve fine. Orifices are clean. I'm sure now that the float adjustment is not correct and causing lean conditons at idle and low circuits because I fooled with it. Jetting was near perfect before the initial leaking, and before I touched the float levels. So I don't think it is that. Now just trying to get the float back to where it was.

Again, before all this, the jetting was beautiful. But after the float adjustment, the idle and low circuits sound lean, and acts like its running out of fuel. Also at idle, in neutral, wick the throttle and the bike will near kill. I think that means lean setting on the float.

Now I'm back to square one with the gas leaking from the carb vent tube non stop. My last step was adjusting the float tab DOWN for richer conditions to solve this fuel starving condition on idle and low circuits. I'm guessing at these adjustments, but doing them slightly, becaues I am not pulling the carb completyly off the bike. Wouldn't have the tools or the knowledge to do it that way anyhow.

Suggestions? Thanks.


Feb 10, 2002
To answer your first question, when you put the float bowl back in place it will basically block the float pin at each end preventing it from coming out.

As far as the leaking goes it is either your valve or the float height is too high. Either way you are going to have to pull the carb to get it fixed properly. Take courage it is not that difficult. You will probably want to take the rear sub frame off to ease access to the card


Mar 30, 2001
When you put the float on the pin is blocked. Make sure you check the seat where the point of the aluminum/rubber pin makes contact. This is where a small peice of debris was hiding in mine and it would dump gas out the vents until I found it. I had to take the carb all the way off and turn it upside down to see it. It would not just drop out I actualy had to pick it out. I bought the bike used and don't know what or how it got there but it was small red/orange peice of plastic ( gas tank material??). Check this before you adjust the float.


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