
Jun 3, 2003
I fractured my elbow joint 18 days ago & I think I'm doing pretty good. I'm worried that I won't get 100% of my movement back. All I want is normal elbow strength and atleast 90% movement. The doc said I'll prob. get 95-100% back.

I just want some advice from you fella's. I fractured the very tip of my humerus (it's a small chip). If it matters, the injury was painless and it's my first broke bone. The ortho surgeon said that there would be no significant gain in doing surgery; and he expects me to get alot of movement in 2-3 weeks.

He didn't put me in a cast, and said I don't have to wear my splint if I don't want to either. He said that I can just wear my sling if I want. Does that mean I need to wear the sling, because I havn't been wearing it at all. I was thinking that it may not heal correctly if it's not at a 90° angle.

I've been getting 100% of my calcium and vitamin D.
I can move my arm quite a bit and it's been getting alot better. I can rotate my wrist fully only after 3-4 days. I can bend my elbow down almost all the way (20° away), but I can only bend it up (from 90°) about 35° before I feel tension.

Any tips or advice---about anything? Thanks for reading!

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