Fighting Wilderness Designations in Idaho


Aug 13, 1999
I wanted to pass this information on from the ITMA (Idaho Trail Machine Assoc). They are trying to raise awareness of pending Wilderness designations to help preserve our right to access our Public Lands. If you are an Idahoan or if you just want to ride these wonderful trials, be sure to send a note to one or all of the people listed at the end.

If you would like to make a donation to the ITMA for an upcoming media campaign, let me know and I will get the contact info to you.

From Sandra Mitchell, public lands director for
the Idaho State Snowmobile Association

Public Land Update

October 2002

More Wilderness, Is it Inevitable?

As most of you know, there are two wilderness proposals currently being discussed-the Boulder White-Clouds (BWC) and the Owyhee Canyonlands. A group called the "Owyhee Initiative" was appointed by the Owyhee County Commissioners and is dealing with the latter. The process is going much slower than anyone anticipated but within the next couple of months there should be some news worth reporting. If anyone has a special interest in
this area, please give me a call.

The BWC Wilderness is the lifelong dream of a number of environmental organizations. Congressman Simpson is attempting to broker a deal between them, the ranching community and recreationists. The snowmobile community has said 'no thank you' to any deal that would lock up this area or eliminate motorized use. These mountains provide some of the best backcountry riding for both summer and winter users.

The discussions that started as a murmur then shifted to quiet back room talks have now moved center stage well exposed to the public. The gloves have come off and the rhetoric is no longer always civil. There are ads running on the local stations asking people to call Congressman Simpson and express their support of a BWC Wilderness. The environmental community is spending thousands of dollars in an attempt to convince Congressman Simpson that Idaho has changed and its people now want Wilderness for the BWC. If he hears from thousands all singing the same song he is going to be encouraged to move forward with legislation. If this train is going to be stopped, it is up to you.

I have heard now from both the Environmentalists and from one politician that a BWC Wilderness is inevitable. I don't know from where they get their crystal balls but they must be better than mine. How do you write history before it happens? When Congressman Simpson asked me if I expected to see a BWC Wilderness in my lifetime, I told him I didn't know but if it did happen it would only be after one 'hell of a fight.'

Our action or inaction is linked to the inevitability of a BWC
Wilderness. If we do nothing, say nothing, sit back and watch, it is
inevitable. We will lose that area because we didn't care enough to fight for it. But if we get involved, make our case, and stand our ground then it can't be inevitable. In order to pass legislation, the entire Idaho delegation is going to have to support it and if enough Idahoans say 'NO' loudly enough at least one member will walk away from the idea.

Congressman Simpson and our Senators are hearing from those who support a BWC Wilderness. Don't you think it is time they heard from the other side? Please take the time to share with them your sentiments about the proposal and do it now. If you think the BWC are being well managed and that a wilderness designation is unnecessary, then I suggest you make your
opinions known and do it immediately! Keep your message simple, polite, and to the point. It doesn't matter in which district you live, 1st or 2nd, we are all Idahoans and we have a stake in what happens in our state.

Ask your friends to help. This is not just a snowmobile issue; summer users are going to be locked out also. How you contact them is up to you, write, call, email, it doesn't matter. Use a petition or a form letter, as they are equally effective. Just please make the contact.

Congressman Mike Simpson
United States House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone numbers: Boise 334-1953, Idaho Falls 523-6701, Twin Falls 734-7219,
Pocatello 478-4160

Senator Larry Craig
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone numbers: Boise 342-7985, Coeur d'Alene 667-6130, Lewiston 743-0792,
Pocatello 236-6817, Twin Falls 734-6780, Idaho Falls 523-5541

Senator Mike Crapo
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 21510
Email: (The Senator doesn't have an address but on his
website there is a button for messages)
Phone numbers: Boise 334-1776, Pocatello 236-6775, Idaho Falls 522-9779,
Coeur d'Alene 664-5490, Lewiston 743-1492, Caldwell 455-0360, Twin Falls

Congressman Butch Otter
United States House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone numbers: Boise 334-1953, Coeur d'Alene 667-0127, Lewiston 298-0030


Resident nudist
Apr 17, 2002
Count me in. I have nothing better to do at work for the rest of the year than sit on my keister, writing letters and emails to congressmen and women. :thumb:


Jan 27, 2000
Thanks for the heads up bbbom.

We all need to become involved. It doesn't matter if you live there or ride there. If you don't get involved, the land closures will eventually come to a riding area near you. :ugg:

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