
Apr 25, 2002
im going to go dirtbike riding with some friends for the first time. can somone tell me how to clutch and everything i need to know for my first time riding a dirtbike..thanks


Mar 27, 2002
Just make sure you have all the proper protective riding gear, water, extra spark plug or two w/tools, access to a cell phone is nice, at least one riding buddy who will not take off and leave you behind and most importantly, INSURANCE.


May 21, 2001
Wear as much riding gear as possible. Go as slow as possible, you won't be a superstar your first day (or probably ever). Have fun!


Mar 7, 2001
go slow, and everytime you feel like putting your foot down, stand up on the pegs instead. Unless off course the bike is stopped, then put your foot down.


Apr 4, 2002
i recently took my cousin out riding and the main thing that she had to learn was slipping the clutch. basically practice opening the throttle and letting the clutch out a little bit at a time. also, balance both physically and mentally is necessary. first, DONT PUT BOTH FEET OFF THE PEGS, you lose balance and will most likely fall that way. i learned it the hard way. also, since its your first time riding, i doubt you will go on any trails, just put around to get used to the feeling. second, dont travel like 3 mph, more likely to fall, its hard to explain the physics of it. also, if your gonna ride a 2 stroke, dont open up the throttle. and finally, dont worry about maintenance, your friends should have the bike in good shape. i think that is it, you should also listen to your friends for direction. have fun, everybody always does.

P.S. don't take my name seriously, ive been riding trails for about a year and a half


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Chris when I was 17 I had a hard time taking anyones advice...but if you do anything be sure and wear a helmet at the very least. I'd have to add boots too. K-mart specials if you must, but boots. I've seen lots of guys get their feet banged up pretty good trying to ride in vans. (in my day it was Chuck Taylors...but we won't go there)
You are nearly an adult, Chris...take your time and use your head. You'll be fine.

oh and btw! sure and come back to tell us how it went. Most of us can never again experience what you are about to. A de-flowering in the making, if you will :)
Good Luck !
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Honda Rider

Oct 1, 2001
Be smart, don't try anything TOO stupid. Learn at your own pace too. When I started I was trying to impress everybody, because my friends have been riding since they were like 5. I would ride way over my head, but that's just how I learned I guess, and it worked. I'm a better 250 rider than my buddy now.


Jan 22, 2002
helmet eye protection and boots !!!!!!!!! relax and have fun if you feel yourself tense up and trying to catch your buddies stop! Let them wait for ya better for them to wait for you on the trail than at the hospital. Dont go any faster than what you can see and react to. Look further ahead than your front tire. The throttle is a mysterious thing to a lot of beginners , sure twist it hard and you go fast but a lot of people forget that if you twist it backwards you will slow down and if you hold it steady you can maintain a steady speed. ;) most of all have fun and enjoy


Dec 11, 2000
I started on an XR250R which I still Ride, Just give her alittle throttle and let the clutch out slowly, When I first started riding I would grip the bars so tight that I would have to stop because I could no longer use the throttle or clutch because my hands would hurt so bad. Like said before go at your OWN pace, Take it slow for the first couple of days, I can ride my XR pretty fast now. The other week I talked to this guy that was on a CR250R and we started riding and he was behind me pushing me and I should have pulled over and let him go but I just kept going faster and faster to where I was OVER MY HEAD and I lost control and ran off the trail,hit BIG TREE that had fell down,flipped over the handlebars and then the XR landing beside me. So just take it EASY. I was lucky I didn't get hurt, Thats why I always wear my Helmet,boots,pants and jersey and I need to get a Chest protector. Good Luck and I know I wouldn't have wanted to learn on a 2-stroke 250(SCARY),Matt


Jan 8, 2002
all i have to say it be carefull. if you get to afraid back off some..and have insurance with protective gear. if you break a leg or somthing bad you can have 60 grand+ in bills trust me


Apr 28, 2002
Theres no quick way to learn how to ride an off-road bike. Practice makes better but rarely perfect. Everyones allowed a mistake. Learn the basic controls on a nice levels pice of ground. Learning to start off on an uphill is difficult. take it easy and make sure to where the right gear. Definately good boots and helmet. I found the balance thing to be quite natural but everyones different. Have fun


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
Well put JayBird.... Chris123, go have some fun, wear as much gear as possible, don't ride w/out a helmet or boots and have fun..

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