
Apr 2, 2005
I'm kid of interested in Bike that is being sold as an '87 or '88 Husky factory 500 racer. The owner says that the last owner told him it was one of ten set up for Baja for a pro racer named Smith. He says the frame #s make it an '87 or '88, and the trick (for '88) forks make me wonder if it isn't just true. I'm going to try to past in his pictures. I can probably pick it up for under $900. Any thoughts?

The picture pasting didn't work. How do I attach a file?


Oct 9, 1999
The "Smith" that he is referring to is probably former Husky Factory desert racer, Dan Smith. If mere restoration is you goal, then price is fair. But locating parts is what will make the project difficult as this era was just after Cagiva took over the Husky marque. Call Erics Motorcycle's in Pasadena California. His number can found via Google. He sells Husky's KTM's and Husabergs. He has access to a lot of the weird, Euro stuff that existed in the eighties. Mind you that the bikes being set up for a desert pro doesnt lend it self well to the skills of mere mortals


Feb 23, 2006
Actually there were no '88 500's made. They were left over '87's. Husky put on a going out of business sale on the 87-88 models, and they went pretty cheap! I got an '87 500xc, uncrated it myself at the dealer, and did the set-up.
The only hands that have ever worked on my 500 are mine, and the guy who autographed the builder card!

I swapped a set of white power forks off a brand new 510 Husky mx'r with the husky triple clamps even! FYI, I had contact through my dealer with the gentleman (now deceased) who set up the Team Husky desert bikes. So I can give you the factory team set-ups if you're so inclined.

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