
Feb 25, 2002
Hey all fellow dudebikers,

I bought a used 2000 CR125 while back, I love the power and I think it's a great bike, but it has been hard cause my dad doesit have a bike and he hates them so he never helps me work on mind.

I have been able to do the minor stuff myself but it just seems like the bike always needs somthing every time i ride it its needing somthing, I enjoy filter changes oil changes things like that, I dont care for jetting much anoys me, but my question is if i got a YZ250F would it be more of a out of the box racing package?
I hear yamahas are the best company for bikes tuned good from factory and would the YZ250F require less carb and motor matinence? cause I dont mind changing oil cleaning filters greasing linkage etc...

I really like the YZ250F just not sure if it's the right bike for me

Any help would be great

Ride on :aj:


Mar 14, 2002
All bikes require routine maintenance. Two strokes always require more maintance than four strokes. If your not good with major maintanace and dont mind the four strokes....than a 250f is probably your best bet. :aj:


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
The YZ250F is a nice bike, but like any bike it requires routine maintenance. You'll have to change the oil and filter religiously, and check the valve clearance as the manual says. Like any bike, if you don't take care of it, it'll get wasted. However, I would say it'll require overall less maintenance than a 125 two stroke.
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