Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Michelle said:
Congratulations to all of you. Please, please, whatever you do, do not treat your adopted son differently from your genetic child. That may sound dumb, but I do know someone whom this happened to - well, I used to, he disappeared after stealing some stuff from us.
I don't ever remember being told I was adopted (both my sis & I were), it was something I always knew. Apparently mum used to read us stories & would throw it into the mix - we thought it was the norm :) Now it gets confusing if we're talking about families - me talking about my sis's brothers (full brothers) and then about my half sis & brothers (whom I don't have contact with any more - my choice).
Open adoptions (from a closed adoption perspective) are cool.
Just remember to tell your boy that he was chosen.
Remember to save for the next bike now - wahoo, two riding buddies :)

Trust don't have to worry about that. There is no way in this world we could ever love a person more or treat any better than we do our adopted son! He will know (and is already being told) how special he is and that he was given to us. We are being very open with the adoption. We have met the birthparents and have a very good relationship with them and have pictures of them and his birth siblings in our house. wife and I have talked about how hard it will be to NOT treat our adopted son BETTER than we do our biological child. Because he is so special. (and because he is such a good baby) He is so laid back and calm and sleeps pretty well. We're figuring our birth child will end up being a real booger! ;)

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