KTM 400/520 Safety Notice: Valvetrain

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Jan 5, 2001
I'm looking at the "Views" count and I see that over 3,030 people (or should I say "dumba$$es") have looked at this post and if I'm not mistaken there isn't one first hand report or documentation of a broken valve spring on a KTM RFS as of yet. Where is the support for this "theory" that implies that a manufacture is jeopardizing the "safety" of its owners and they are profiting from a "design flaw"? I can't believe that KTM hasn't rounded up one of these legal guys you speak of, to contact you about such a bold statement, but I guess they're not that kind of a company.

Here is some simple good old American capitalistic logic. How many aftermarket valve springs kits are available for KTM RFS models? Why let the manufacture be the only one to "profit" from this debacle. If this really was a problem one of those 3,000 plus viewers would have found a way to also try to profit from someone's design flaw by now, but it hasn't happened.

EG, what did KTM say about this problem when you contacted them with your concern about our safety?

Oh, and BTW EG be very careful because the LC4 engine that is in your 640 has had dual springs of the same design (flaw) since 1988.

EG, I wouldn't wish bad or worst luck on anyone, I would hate to live and regret if something did happen, this is not the school playground you know. Us kids are play with big toys now.


Feb 14, 2002
This thread is like a ridiculous dream that keeps going off in different tangents and foolishly wakes you up in the dead of the night.

Maybe that's how it's author wrote it----sleepwalking. :ugg:


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
OK here’s my take on this thread.

Eric posted his findings based upon what he has seen in some engines that have come through his shop. He noted in the beginning that is was a 400/520 issue so the model years should be covered there as a place to start formulating a range for the occurances. It seems some folks misread this and are adding the new 450/525 models to the mix so this added another spin to the information. We have opinions of a few people who are known for their good maintenance habits so it is not real likely that they would experience the failures that Eric sees as usually he doesn’t get an engine until it’s reached some form of critical mass. Let’s also take a moment and consider Eric Gorr as far as I am aware of is the only one with experience in both the motorcycle magazine business AND high performance machine work, to me this gives him the edge in knowing what the operating procedures of some of these publications are as well as the practical experience to notice these types of issues. Also let’s look at the history of the RFS design, while an awesome machine it has had a few issues pop up (cam bearings? pump seals?) but these types of issues are often not noticed until a larger user base starts subjecting the components to different stresses and maintenance schedules than what the factory worked with. Perhaps the engines Eric has seen these failures in are high use units. Perhaps they had their valve train improperly adjusted based upon bad information passed from one owner to another through email or even a BBS. There are many variables to consider and holding what is basically a guy living in his shop accountable for deducing ALL the possible options is short sighted. The issue was raised and some related background information was provided, sometimes we all need to make like Nancy Drew and see what can be uncovered through as many sources as possible. That may include a local shop that you have a good relationship with but keep in mind they don’t have much to gain by telling you about failures of their product just as another participant in this thread does not especially if it is not showing up in significant numbers…. yet but maybe it will. Lets also consider that the bikes in question are not covered under factory warranty so who are you more likely to have repair the dealer or a performance shop that more than likely will cost less? Additionally I think a fact that is very often forgotten is what RFS stands for and how the product is sold by KTM USA which could very well be different than how the local dealer may market the bikes. I’ll venture a large percentage of not only KTM but every other racing bred 4 stroke never are used nor maintained in their intended fashion and somehow people justify less maintenance or lack of properly done maintenance on these types of bikes by thinking they are not stressing them as much. Frequent oil and filter changes don’t justify neglecting the proper maintenance at the specified times as defined in the shop manuals. Let’s also look at other makes of bikes the big YZF seems to have some issues with the cases developing large holes from the inside out if the crank assembly is not monitored yet I see many people just ride and ride and ride their YZF on the trails like it was the iron horse it is not. Husabergs need specific valve adjustments as other bikes do but from what I have experienced their owners are MUCH more meticulous about doing there required chores. Well kids guess where KTM’s RFS development program came from, not Yamaha. Maybe this is because the ‘berg owners are more experienced, spent more money on the initial purchase or don’t have the vast array of add-ons that are available for blue bikes and even pumpkins. People are more apt to buy something new that their buddies will see than they are to spend it on a top end tear down just because it’s time, I mean who’s going to see THAT right? If a person desires a bike they just add fuel and ride then something more like an XR or DRZ might be better suited to their needs even though it’s not as cool as having a full on race bike.

What I’m attempting to point out here is that perhaps Eric is now seeing what the long term use effects on this engine design are. Sure maybe the springs in the LC4 are the same but let’s also realize the design of the engines are different so the stresses on the springs are going to be different. :think: Gee maybe this could be something? I wonder if Honda is using XR springs in the CRF450R?…..
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