Makeup or New Knobbies?


Apr 11, 2001
Where's the flame fourm when you need it?

The nerve! The knobbies can wait…

Being the docile husband I am I took my wife out this afternoon, acting as taxi driver – nothing out of the ordinary. After exiting a store and approaching my pickup in the parking lot, she sees this Prius, with the owner entering, and interrupts the same owner to ask a few questions and comment on her choice of vehicles. A friendly conversation ensued within earshot.

(My wife wanted a Prius two years ago, but caring for her safety and comfort, I refused to get her an econobox, buying her top-of-the-line Toyota instead.)

She then goes on to tell the owner about my “dirty” truck; maybe I’m done washing her car every weekend to the neglect of the pike hauler and my every-day commuter! I suck it up like a man…

Then we go to a department store where she roams the makeup aisles, darting hither and yonder. Once her chosen items selected, I opened up my wallet wide, and we leave the cash register; she then said, “I didn’t know it cost so much.” So I say, ”maybe I should get those new knobbies I’ve been putting off – after all, they are getting rather short.” To which she said, “just don’t go riding.”

The nerve!
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Mr. Meltsomeglass
Jul 25, 1999
Maybe if you tell her Maxxis is slang for Max Factor, she'd be cool with it.


Oct 10, 2004
DON'T GO RIDING?!?!? Sounds like you should trade her in! :) My wife orders me to go riding. You gotta get on her nerves. If you make her think that you going riding was her idea, then you're okay. She just says that I get to go riding so her boyfriend can come over. I just say "Whatever gives me more time to ride my bike!". My wife is the shiz. She even buys me bike stuff. Matt


Apr 11, 2001
Yup: ordered the knobbie that evening - just one, though. Does that make me 1/2 a man?

Come to think of it, she hasn't bought me one bike thing ever - sheesh! But that's okay as I am one picky somebeoch, and she is likewise (I can never suprise her). Now back to dirt bike stuff: permission or not, money or not, things will get bought. And riding will be done.

It's good rain is in the forecast for the next two weeks...


Sep 28, 2002
gwcrim said:
Be a man. But the knobbies NOW!

It's easier to ask for forgiveness that permission.

That was my thinking when I came across a set of Michelin Winter Studded tires while xmas shopping last weekend. What she don't know won't hurt me.



Apr 6, 2002
yep, I taka a lot of flak for the dirty truck, "Cant you clean this thing out?!! :pissed: " Coffee cups, subway sandwich wrappers and various insundries to get me thru a week of "in truck" working, sure, krap collects.

here is the irony; We have been swapping vehicles to even out the mileage, her 99 Audi has 60K, my 01 Screw 150 has 110K. She likes driving the truck for the big interior, holds 2 car seats better than the A-4, but man when I get it back it is piled high with junk, the car is no different, she just jams the junk in the trunk (no pun) so it is out of sight.

Turns out we are not much different.

My wife almost never wears makup, but when she does she gets that Mac or whatever it is, damn you think knobbies are expensive, its more like a set of tires chain and sprockets and a new filter. :coocoo:

PL- send me your mailing addy :cool:


Nov 24, 2001
One way to get her to think differently would be to trade mattress moto's for riding,
Once I start the old hound dog sniffin, she just tells me to go riding! that will work for a few hours! :yikes: :worship:
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Oct 3, 2002
Just kinda thinking..... like a woman realizes how much parts cost! Would she know a $25 tire from a $70 tire? As long as she doesn't see the credit card bills, I would report parts at half price.

What she don't know won't hurt me.

super rat

Ass Clown at DRN
Mar 31, 2001
Tiers are overrated. Get yourself some cool stickers. I like those DRN fender stickers, get some of those this way when you have your bike in the back of your truck ever one will know you're FAST!

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