
Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
Hey, I was browsing my new issue of Car & Driver at lunch, reading the letters, and realized that a good portion of them (maybe even a majority?) are criticizing the editors/staff? And it seems that when the issue isn't one of opinion but fact- C&D owns up to it's mistakes. Have any of you intelligent type ever written a critical letter to MXA? This isn't a condescending, rhetorical question. I'm really curious.

Could they just be oblivious, so wrapped up in their own world that they don't really notice the bile the rest of you do? I sure see a lot of energy spent in the Flame Board re: Jody & the MXA Wrecking Crew, but never hear of anyone doing anything but bash Tim Olson and cancel subscriptions.

I, for one, just don't have enough juice in my jug to know fact from fiction, scientific test results from biased notes, etc. All I know is what I read in the Flame Board.


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Car and Driver has always been one of my favorite magazines. I haven't subscribed for quite a while, but over the years their philosophy hasn't changed one iota.

They take criticism head on, and they don't even blink. They call it as they see it (and they never fail to hammer Motor Trend's "Car Of The Year").

Their staff has changed over the years, but CD still has the same flavor it had back in the seventies. They won't hesitate to dog the competition or the manufacturers. I hope they never change.

I wonder if MXA will ever develop any balls?

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by zio
Could they just be oblivious, so wrapped up in their own world that they don't really notice the bile the rest of you do?

To quote Jody the Weasel "I'm in the entertainment business" . He could care less if we complain as long as the ad space gets sold.

I'll be looking for him and little Timmy at Indy this weekend. Nothing like a face to face chat :)


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Re: Re: MXA haters- read this

Originally posted by Rich Rohrich
I'll be looking for him and little Timmy at Indy this weekend. Nothing like a face to face chat :)
:scream: Tell them I said Hi.


Nov 18, 2001
Is that Jody person the one that said >QUOTE<The people that dont race are just POSER's? !!! I thought he was a GIRL. Probably still is... Oh wait NO!
IT's a SHIM!! IF thats HIM i mean SHIM... I'd like to meet him (SHIM)
and race the TWERP! I dont race but ill race SHIM! (1/2 girl 1/2 BOY)=SHIM.

That little Punk anyway..

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