
May 27, 2000
I'll make this as short as possible about my Indy SX experience and I'll keep the final results to someone else to post.

The heat race with Stewart and Carmichael was scary. Carmichael cased a triple right away...you could feel the impact. He stayed up but was having a mistake filled ride. Stewart on the other hand was far back after a bad start and made his mistakes as well. Out of the triple - triple section he either missed a gear or clipped the first triple which led him to only double the last big triple...problem was that the 5 guys behind him were tripling it :yikes: Stewart doubled and looked upwards to have one rider nearly land on him. Gave me chills to watch.

The pits were terrific. It was my first time in the pits and here are some things that surprised me:

1. How open Ricky, Stewarts, and Honda pits were. Bikes were close enough for anyone to touch....though no one went that far. They both came out frequently and joked around. Mechanics were funny guys. In the back of the Factory Honda rig a showa mechanic was taking apart Fonseca's shock down to the valving. This guy was talking to us while going through the valving and having a smile on his face :nod:
Reed's pit area was jammed between their two yamaha semis. A policeman was on each end to make sure nobody were to walk in. Didn't see Reed much and his bike was barely visible :(

2. Walking to the indoor pits we were behind Big James and James just after the 2nd practice. His smile and laughter showed us that he was comfortable and in control.

3. Ricky had Kasey Kahne (sp?) Nascar driver in his pits. Many riders came to Ricky talking track talk and he was open about what he was doing...very cool guy
Nick Wey was talking to everyone that came by.

Back to the racing. The 450 main was scary as well. James with a midpack start and then going down. Luckily he kept his bike running and started out in 20th.
For the next 10 laps I had to watch James while holding my breath. His whoop speed was incredible. :coocoo:
He made it into 2nd place close to the 1/2 way mark and set his eyes on Carmichael. Who knows if he could've reeled him in, but Dement and Voss did hold him up. Looked like he ran out of some steam, then Stewart cased a jump with both wheels hard enough that the bar pad knocked his helmet upwards.

Nick Wey rode the race of his life and didn't take crap from Reed. I think he finished a well deserved 5th.
Reed better not talk about Wey holding him up. Reed started around 5th place and should've hitched a ride with Stewart when he flew by.

Anyone catch the flagman trip and fall while no racing was going on? He was hurt enough to go see the Asterisk Mobile Unit :coocoo:

Sorry for the long write. All in all I'm a motocross fan, but supercross is still fun to watch....these guys are good!


Mar 7, 2001
Just watched it,, Reed looked out of sync and not that fast for the first half of the race,, he started 6th and just sat in 5th, he didn't really pick it up until JBS passed him,, and by then it was too late to make it a race. Had he been up to speed from the start he might have gotten 2nd with the bad start JBS had.

Wey rode great,, I though he was going to be able to hold on for 4th, but faded some in the last couple laps. Still how can he be a privateer?


Aug 26, 2000
Yeah, after listening to the webcast and seeing it today I was really impressed with Nick Wey. He rode a great race the way he battled Reed. :cool:


May 27, 2000

You're exactly right on. Reed wasn't up to speed the first half of the race and was too patient. With Wey in 4th holding off Tedesco and Fonseca he came upon a downed rider in the middle of a corner and chose to go high, leaving the door open. It was with only a few laps to go too. I think he might've gotten a 4th if not for that decision. He should be getting a factory ride shouldn't he?

The near misses JBS had coming through the pack were incredible...wish tv would've done it justice.


Apr 8, 2005
I was in the first row before the triple just before the tunnel. My 2 1/2 year old daughter liked it a lot for about an hour, then it became a fidgit-fest. LOL. We went to Indiana on Thursday morning to visit college friends, etc . . .

I don't know if it's just his style, but most of the time Reed looks like he's not really pushing it as much as RC and JBS. 95% vs. 100%. I don't get it . . .

JBS was amazing coming through the pack, but the only time he was catching RC was when RC got caught up in lapped traffic. Then JBS lost the same aount of time in the same lappers.


Feb 2, 2001
I forgot how boring it was to see RC get out early and run away with it. :) Props to him for a smart, safe and fast ride though. Bubba did great too if he hadn't of washed on the start (for like the 20th time now). I still couldn't really see what happened....horrible camera work. Reed.....the nicest way I can put it is "pathetic." He was in cruise control for nearly the whole race. How do you go from quite possibly his finest ride of the year in Atlanta (where he truly did hang with RC for several laps) to letting Fonseca bump you from 5th place to 6th?!?! He did eventually get around him (and Ivan and Nick Wey), but not until struggling for nearly the entire race.

That brings me to Wey and Fonseca. I think these two guys were the most impressive of the night. Wey turned it on big time and it seems like Fonseca is improving each race. It's a lot more fun getting some exposure to the rest of the field when they ride good.

And the near wipeout of the race had to be Bubba. Cased the jump right after the platform so hard that he bounced into the NEXT jump and cased it as well!!! That seriously looked like it hurt.


P.S. DV12 needs to hang it up, not the Rock.


Jul 11, 2001
Good race. It's starting to look like last year, though: RC has a 16-point lead over his chief competitor, Bubba. He'll catch and pass Chad next race, probably, then it's only Bubba who has a chance to beat him. But Bubba will have to win six of the remaining eight races to take the points lead, as long as RC takes second. That's going to be tough to do, though still possible. JBS looked FAST in Indy! Tough luck for the Rock and his wrist injury. We may not see him again, until he goes to GNCC (I hope).


May 30, 2005
Indy was and is always a great time! We were up on the 2nd row of the upper section *can see the whole race up higher* Im going to have to look into the pit passes next time, where'd you get those?

Anyways I hate to jump on the Bubba bandwagon but after watching him ride from last to 2nd place in the last race was amazing. He really does have talent and speed. R.C. pulled away earlier and never looked back, can be boring but cant blame him for being a smart and fast rider. I think that triple gave everyone headaches, thats where the majority of the wrecks were on the 2nd turn.

I was sad to see that Mike LaRocco broke his arm during practice since he is retiring this year and is an Indiana native. I was really looking forward to rooting him on....


May 27, 2000
Pit passes weren't for sale. I did a big favor to a team's mechanic who put my name down for the allotted pit passes. Once in a lifetime deal I guess.


Dec 31, 1969
Indy never has pit passes....

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