
May 21, 2001
I wanted to take a moment to reflect on this past year. We've all had some good times, some not so good. Thankfully this was an uneventful year in America (as compared to the last). We had no bombings, only one house majority leader resigned, and we're still recovering. Times like 9-11 bring out the real character of a country, and I think we all learned a little about ourselves too. We learned that the fellowship of friends is priceless, that's why over 200 wandered out to play in red dirt. Dirtweek 03 brought out some of the biggest (PK500), the best (Coop), and the spodeliest riders. It was a time to give thanks for those who put off doctor's visits to be with friends and to laugh with those who accidently let billy near their possessions. At least one helmet was broken, a few toes came back not quite as straight, and a certain yz450f was broken, but nobody there would have preferred to have been anywhere else in the world. We got to see Thump steal TwinSpar's BabyF, and get engaged.

Those who've always been great kept it going. Lou has been more than just friendly through every post. Elk and VD have been responsible for more than a few coffee stained monitors and keyboards. This year Okie felt it necessary to promote paid membership, and hundreds from every corner of the world stepped up. You know you're doing a good thing when an army man in Afghanistan feels that it's necessary to check up on friends half way across the planet who do something he can't. If we really get down to it, most of us aren't here really for the advice. It got us here, but it's not why we've stayed. Rich and Eric do an amazing job when help is necessary, but it's now so much more. DRN has become our sounding block for life. Through DRN we've met people that have become our best friends, riding buddies and even lovers.

But 02 didn't treat us all kindly. 393 will always be remembered. He came to these boards for a few short years, and showed us how great life can be, yet how fragile it is. We need to make a conscious decision what's important. When we're all too old to ride, how will we reflect on our time? It may seem like a huge deal now, but down the road will we be more thankful for the 10K salary increase or the conversation in the pickup on the way to the track. We need to keep things in perspective, and always be grateful for the small things in life. Go out into your own worlds and realize how much you have, even when it seems like everything is crashing down. You have friends at DRN who care,


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Stephen, very nicely said.

I'd also like to ask you to remember those who lost their lives in Thailand this year. It may not have made such an impact on the world as 9-11, but for those who lost their lives & families who lost loved ones, it was just as traumatic, if not more so. In fact, remember all those who've been killed needlessly through terrorism and pray that one day humans will wake up to themselves and stop the needless bloodshed.

There are rumours flying around NZ about the period just coming up, I pray they're just that. But I guess we won't know until the time has passed. Thailand has affected us more than America did last year, it's closer to home and we've realised we're not necessarily that isolated.

We've had one of our top mx'ers paralysed, three riders killed (one a 12yo). Definitely enjoy life while you can, and cherish the time spent with loved ones, you never know what's around the corner.

Stay safe everyone and I look forward to "seeing" you all in 2003.


Jun 5, 2001
Happy Holidays from the Elk household, hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and New Years!:yeehaw:


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Nice, Stephen!! Very well said. Happy Holidays to everyone and remember to tell the ones you love "that you love them!"

Tom Dixon

Farmer Tom = Face Planter
Mi. Trail Riders
Nov 15, 2001
:whiner: beautiful..... happy holidays and "party" responsibly.


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Happy Holidays too all. And a great new year.

How 'bout we all get together sometime around the end of September and have a buck snortin' good time. Only this year, I'm ridin' over my head and stayin' up till Bundy calls it a night. :confused:


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Sorry, but I have been out of the "loop" for about two weeks but I think Steve has pegged a round peg in a round hole.

Kudu’s (sp) to you my man....

To corn a 'Corny' quote, "Life is a box of chocolates." Folks it is, it's all about what you do with the mess. Either make a meal or toss it all. The end result is up to you.

Bless you all and from my family to yours,
a happy and whole New Year.

Welcome to DRN

No trolls, no cliques, no spam & newb friendly. Do it.

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