
Oct 31, 2001
I decided to go out riding at Gorman this weekend. :yeehaw: Saturday was a little on the warm side but the riding was excellent up in the mountains. After the great riding on on most of the upper trails Saturday, I along with my brother, decide to tackle the legendary Snowy trail. :think: I’ve only been on this trail once a few years back and I swore Id never try that again. Instead of going down the switchbacks we decided to try it the other way. I don’t care whether you go up, down or even sideways on Snowy, that has to be the hardest trail when it comes to technical riding. The trail has every condition imaginable. Rocks, trees, bushes, narrow goat trails, cliffs, killer switchbacks, you name it, that trail has it.
The brother smashes a radiator and yours truly, hits a rock on the narrow trail and ends up down a cliff. Going up the switchbacks in the heat was absolute hell on the bike and me. The first time I tried Snowy I thought coming down the switchbacks was tough, man that doesn’t hold a candle to trying to climb those things. The first one is a rock face 90 degree off camber narrow turn. I guess this wouldn’t be exceptionally tough if you were rested, but after being tired from the earlier trail riding and the blaring heat, this was one of the obstacles you just look at and cringe. Of course over-heating my 250 and the brother 450 three/fourths of the way up the switchbacks just added insult to injury.
Anyways, to make a long story short, nothing felt better than to see the paved road of Gold Hill. :worship:

Sure we managed to tackle and finish the trail, but man that thing took its tole on the bike and the body. :p


Jan 30, 2000
:aj: Music to my ears mate!! Glad you had a good time :aj:


Apr 1, 2001
I've been down Snowy once. But I don't remember it. Something about extreme fear and memory loss.........I do remember my bro'-in-law almost fainted. Only reason we made it was 'cause we didn't want to go back up!

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