White Borthers...what a bunch of twits!!!


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
White Brothers...what a bunch of twits!!!

Made the mistake of calling WHite Brothers in California about two months ago to get one of those PC Racing Airbox kits for the 2002 Cr250. Spent about 20 minutes on the phone with some slow witted teenager trying to explain which item I wanted and giving him the shipping and payment info. After I hung up, I realized that he didn't read my name back to me in the shipping address. Boxes without names come to my building and disappear. So I call back and get another slow witted teenager sounding guy. I think I gave him my name and address at least six times (I guess they haven't discovered pencils in Yorba Linda). He never could find my order and after about 15-20 minutes of looking around he says that he is going to go look for it. I told him that when he found it to cancel the order (I was completely fed up with dealing with idiots at that point).

About 4 or five days later, I receive the airbox kit in the mail - the one that I specifically said to cancel the order on. So I call them right back and get Steve Lewis who also needs to ask for my customer number about 10 times but does give me an RA number and says that White Brothers will give me a full refund and reimburse my return shipping since the item was sent in error.

Fine, I return it and it arrives at White Brothers on June 14 2002. About three weeks go by (7/1/2002) and no refund. So I call Steve Lewis. "Uhhh, whats your customer number?" about eight times..."oh yeah..here it is...refund for 54.95 was sent to accounting." I told him that 54.95 was the cost of the item and that I expected the other $9 in two way shipping that he promised me when he told me to return it. He argued quite a bit and then gave me Michelle's name in accounting. I called her and she never returned that call. So I called Steve back and argued some more and he finally agreed to process the additional $9 refund. Emailed Steve and asked for a verification in writing that they would refund the full $63.95. He did manage to send that. He also offered to help with any other questions I had in the email so I responded by asking for Michelles email so I wouldn't have to call long distance - no reply of course.

8 days later (7/9/02), no refund. So I call and ask who manages customer service...end up talking to Paul McNutt. Nice Guy, very helpful, listens to my concerns about the quality of his help, promptly refunds my $9 and says that the 54.95 is being processed by accounting. Well just so happens that Steve also processes an $8 refund after that 8 day period so now I have $17 (the extra $8 doesn't begin to cover the long distance charges incurred dealing with teh rest of these losers over the phone).

15 days after this (7/16/02) still no refund. SO I call Michelle in accounting again and luckily she answers the phone (as she still hadn't returned my previous call). Supposedly fixes it while I am on the phone and the refund will be processed that day or the next. Don't think I had to give her my customer number quite as many times as those other morons but I think she is suffering from that same affliction.

7/24/02 still no refund. I call Paul McNutt again. Again, excellent help. Prints it out and says he is going to walk right over to accounting.

7/26/02 Decide to call Michelle one last time after I realize that I am now paying finance charges on the 54.95 on top of severely increasing my phone bill and because Paul's fix wasn't showing up as quickly as the first time. She had no clue who I was this time either. Said she couldn't figure out why it wasn't processed and now I fing out that there are yet additional people that process the refund after all of these other people handle it (how come Paul could get one done in the same day??)

7/29/02 I now have the credit finally and swear that I will never call these people again. This is the absolute worse experience I have had with internet/mail order places. Still can't figure out why it takes a month and a half after they receive my return to issue credit. Seems like they can charge it as soon as it leaves their door. If I would have known that it was going to be this much trouble to get a refund on a $60 part, I would have sold it to somebody for half price rather than mailing it back to these people.
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Sponsoring Member
Apr 18, 2000
I have had the same problem with White Bros. Whenever I need something they sell I just call MX South and order it from them and usually even get a better price. It doesn't make sense but it works!


Mod Ban
Apr 29, 2002
I ordered a great deal of things from White Bros. up until about a year ago , never had a problem and then one day the place went downhill overnight. If they are the only place that has what I am looking for I have the local dealer order it , he has better luck with them for some reason.
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Sep 6, 2000
White Bros seems to prefer selling to dealers. I've never had a problem but the fact that they charge a fortune for their catalog, have full retail prices and no toll free number turns me off. They could do better if they were more consumer friendly.


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
The next time you need a white brothers part go "HERE"
they have a section called Price Checker, plug in the WB part # from the catalog and you will find a much lower price. These guys are great to deal with. I personaly have ordered over $1,500. in parts for the Harley and have never had a problem. Good luck, lets ride!
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