WR426: What do you make of this?


Apr 10, 2003
So my 02' WR426 has been in supermoto trim since the beginning of this year and has only been on the track. Yesterday I take out for a 120 mile road trip through the twisties. First 80 miles were GREAT! Then I noticed my vent hose (from the valve cover) is dripping white oil (it usually drips once or twice of normal oil after a stop)but only a few drops. Crap, Im thinking Ive got a blown seal somewhere and its letting in coolant/water. So I am forced to tiptoe back 40 miles before I can stop the bike.
I get home and pull the drain plug in anticipation of finding a big milky mess spewing from my case but the oil looked just fine. Not even slightly milky.

So, Im not sure what to make of the white milk from the vent hose. Excessive speed/rpm's from the faster ride? Blowin seal but a slow leak? Nothing to worry about?

What's your take? :think:


Oct 4, 2003
Sounds like condensation mixing with a little oil in the tube. The condensation occurs from the heating and cooling of the motor.

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