angry jim

Sponsoring Member
Aug 4, 2000
With the cross country race season a couple weeks away, I decided to do an MX race as a tune-up. I always have trouble getting going right at the start of my C.C. races. I figured MX would be good practice for sprinting hard right from the start.

I entered the 30+ novice class, and was racing simultaneously with the 38+ novice class. After a 4 lap practice, I felt OK, but I new the long loamy start was big trouble for my 200. Almost every rider had a big 4 stroke. Also, my gearing in the exc isn't perfect for this track. However, my bike is lighter and less tireing to ride.

Moto 1: I lined up second from the outside so I could stay on the gas a little longer and pass on the outside. The gate dropped and I bogged down in the loam about 50' out of the gate. The first turn is a flat track style RIGHT hander. I entered the turn about 10th and came out about 7th. Right away I was having trouble building momentum for some of the jumps. I was still able to pass a couple of guys on the first couple of laps by carrying my momentun deep into the turns. I worked into 3rd after the 3rd of 6 laps. It took me a lap and a half to get into 2nd. I caught up to the 1st place rider, but wasn't able to pass. 2nd overall and 1st in class for moto 1.

Moto 2: An even worse start, outside the top 10. I felt good and passed up to 5th by lap 2. By lap 3, I was in third, when the race was red flagged do to a bad crash. We had to do a restart with only a 4 lap sprint. I got a better start, but still not good. I had to ride more aggressively right away. I went from 7th to 4th on lap 2. On lap 3 I passed the guy who won the 1st moto and took over third. The next guy ahead had taken 3rd the first moto, so I needed to catch him, but he had a decent lead on me. The temp. outside was mid 90's and we were getting tired. On lap 4 I made up a lot of ground and passed into 2nd with 1/2 a lap to go. Again, I ended up 2nd overall, but this time, 2nd in class also.
I ended up winning my class with a1-2 moto score and the overall with a 2-2.
I was sad to see a couple riders get injured. I made some new friends and had a really good time though.
I gained a lot of respect for MXers. I ride trails mostly, and there is a big difference in the styles. I may do another next weeked as a final warm up for the cross country races.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
You cross country / trail riders scare me on a MX track :p
Sounds like a good time

angry jim

Sponsoring Member
Aug 4, 2000
Dave. There were 15 riders between both classes I think, 7 in my class.
The race was at the Hollister GP track. I live in Hollister, but I think I have a total of about 30 laps on the track and most of those were the end of a hare scramble lap where everyone is spread out a lot. They added tons of sand to the track since I rode last, which I really liked.

Ret. You're too kind. I've never raced a motocross since I've had KTM's. My moto experience consists of 2 races in the late 80's on a 84' cr250. I raced begginer class and got smoked finishing about 25th out of 28 or something like that. I was no good at starts then either :flame: I just felt like trying again after all these years to see if I had learned anything. I'll never make PRO class like YOU big man. You're still my hero :thumb: . It was a very fun day because it was so new to me. Obviously, a lot of offroad skills transfer to moto. I actually think it's easier to go from offroad to MX, but I'm not sure. You just have to be a lot less patient!

Dudes, when the rains come, be ready :aj: .


Sep 20, 2000
Congratulations on your domination of the local competition. CC now MX, next, 1st at the Quiksilver. :aj:

Now I know a bunch of really fast people. :worship:


Dec 15, 2000
Jim.......I'm down 73 pounds from 302 to 229 right now. I hope to lose another 20 some pounds. I would think your off road skills would make you an awesome MXer with no obstacles in your way and since I know you like to twist the throttle and stay on the gas.

See you soon, you too Dave & John

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