Don Marsh

Jun 5, 2001
Congrats to all. Had a great time, good to see everyone. It was nice that my grandson Blaine won the 50/50. It would have been better if we could have sold enough tickets for a bike then I could borrow his new HONDA. Instead his collage fund will grow.
A special congrats to Tom Dunn on winning the Ted DeSolar award, it is well deserved. :boss:


Mi. Trail Riders
Jul 19, 2006
It was great seeing everyone. And I actually beat Heather to the trophy table, probably the first time all year I beat her.

My son needed me to help him dress dinner. Who saw his shirt on inside out? Maybe he should start riding with his gear on inside out, it might slow him down.

Going to the enduro banquet actually shows me each year how much of a family we are and how great we all get along. Even when someone acts like a brick wall.

I was impressed that one of my former 5th grade students earned a hare scramble award and beat Matt L. Way to go Weston!!!

I am looking forward to next season.


Aug 23, 2003
Thanks to All for a fine season and a great banquet!

The Ted Del Solar award was totally unexpected!
Thank you Ted, I truly believe your a hero!! :cool:

Working on next year already with most dates set.

Remember the Tree Planting, last Sunday in April!

Will all need ORV stickers for Enduros that use county rds w/o liscense plates!

Work points available,but must have papers to me by APRIL 1

Great Loss to the Enduro Family with the passing of Mike Maurer Sr. Your prayers for the family would be appreciated.



Oct 10, 2002

If it is possible Tommy Miller and I would like to collect our awards at a later date. Maybe at one of the races next year? Whatever would work out best for you!


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