
Oct 31, 2001
Ok who signed up to do the Adlenato GP this year? For those that havent been to the race it defintely duable as well as fun to watch. While the Elsinore GP is more nostalgic the Adelanto GP pulls in a bigger spectating crowd and it would appear more riders as well. No more excuses KTMBOY I want to see you on the starting line of the old mans race (over 40). Be great to see the rest of you too.


Apr 1, 2001
Boodac---I would be on the line with you if money were not an issue right now! Just the pleasure of seeing how much distance I could put on you at the start would be worth the price of admission, lol!
Unfortunately we are in the process of digging ourselves out of a financial hole, but if you'd like pit help I'll be there. (I'll hold the beer for you, ha ha!)

Disclaimer: I am in no way trying to imply i'm a better rider, but that I would use Horsepower to whup you! :laugh:
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Oct 31, 2001
Im hearing a challenge here big bike or not. Hey KTMBOY your always welcomed to stay with us at the pits in fact all you guys are always welcomed for that matter. I was hoping to see your boy race with my youngans this year. Believe it or not Im still trying to get the green beast back together. The lower case bearings turned out to be the problem and Im hoping to have this thing running by Sunday.


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
I did both the Elsinore and Carlsbad GP's this year. I guess getting my ares handed to me one more time can't hurt. I'll let ya know what day I decide to race.


Oct 31, 2001
Great Ill plan on seeing you there. Im doing the old mans race (over 40) on Saturday at (I think) 11am. Let me know.


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
Rich - If you do Saturday at 11am I might do the 2pm race (over 30) on Saturday as well. The only thought I have is what condition will the course be in by then? Big ruts, braking bumps ect.? Do they groom the track before Sundays races or just leave it as is?


Oct 31, 2001
Thumbs the course gets groomed before the race both Saturday and Sunday. The track will still be in good shape by Saturady afternoon regardless. Trust me, its not in any worse shape than Elsinore but its a little different though. The race starts out on the street, heads just outside the grandstand section out to the desert. The desert portion is maybe 5 miles at most and then you come into the motorcross/GP section. That is maybe 2 1/2 - 3 miles long. Its a pretty simple motorcross/GP section with just a few table tops before and during the grandstand section and a easy whoop section. This is extremely duable and a blast. The only real hazard is the mud hole which you can elect to detour around if you chose. If my daughter can do this track, trust me, you and I can do it too.
From what Ive read, Adelanto either is or is one of the largest GP's in the nation. Hook up with me and the family and we will help pit you any anything else you need help with. We are planning on heading out there each day but we usually stake out an area about 1/2 a mile from the grandstand section. If everything goes as planned I may run the 250 Beg class on Sunday as well. It all depends on what this body feels like after Saturday.


Apr 1, 2001
Tony, the course is sandy and has some high speed sections, so make sure you bring a couple bigger main jets just in case!


Jan 27, 2000

Not gonna make this one. Not in near good enough shape to hang on to the beast for that long. :ohmy:

Good luck you guys. Give em hell. :thumb: :worship:


Apr 6, 2002
Well, since I would be Saturday at 11:00 :think: Ill be out, Ill be out for Saturdays until after March 7th, LA Marathon (wife not me)

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
thumbs said:
Thanks guys. I'm racing on Saturday.

I may be in for Sat. as well. I've got T-ball with Jake in the AM but I sould be able to get there for the 2PM start.


Oct 31, 2001
If Im not dead from the 11am race I might be game for another at 2PM. We will see how it goes and sign up there if I attempt to race against you young whipper snappers.

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
Boodac said:
If Im not dead from the 11am race I might be game for another at 2PM. We will see how it goes and sign up there if I attempt to race against you young whipper snappers.

Are you sure that Kawi will make 2 races? You might want to bring a back up :p Just kidding.


Oct 31, 2001
Actually your not too far off the truth with the backup comment. Fortunately I have the baby running good again so shes back on my good side again. Did you notice how she went from being a beast to my baby again? I just had to threatener her a little and it worked. Im more worried about me holding up than the green machine. All I can say is I cant wait.


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
I'm out for sure. I have my famn damily coming for a visit and I forgot about a poker (texas hold'em) tournament on Saturday night. Sunday I heading to Phelan.

Have fun and keep the dirty side down.

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