
Aug 13, 1999
Didn't want to hijack the other threads but I finally have time to write up a report for our Moab trip! We made the 15 hour drive from Spokane to Moab leaving at dark thirty Thursday morning. It was a big group with 4 trucks heading down from Spokane, one of which was pulling an enclosed trailer with 11 bikes, gear, gas, tools, etc. in it. The others just carried riders and some of their gear. Plus there were a couple trucks with a trailer of 9 bikes heading over from Cali. We had 25 riders all total

The first day we hit some nice sandwash areas where we could work on our sand riding skills then headed into a rocky canyon with some pretty good waterholes, creek crossings, a narrow canyon with a few challenging sections then onto an area of slick rock that we played on for a bit before heading back to the trucks as it started to rain.

Beautiful scenery and good riding, nothing too challenging but we were having fun. The next morning we headed out to Devil’s Racetrack & Top of the World (I think that’s what they were called). Great scenery, good fast trails with a few rocky sections thrown in for a little challenge. The last bit of one section was a fun flowing trail with twists & turns, bumps & berms.

Sunday we headed out to 5 Miles of Hell. Some of the crew had already left to head back to Cali but we had 16 riders left. 8 of us decided to tackle 5 MOH while the rest of the crew did a 50 mile loop that contained a couple miles of rocky riding similar to 5 MOH. We took a group photo at the entrance of 5 MOH, just in case one of us didn’t return.

I wasn’t too sure about my sanity at this point. The organizer of the group had informed me that I should really go on the other ride,but the main reason I came to Moab was to experience 5 Miles of Hell. I asked the other 5 MOH riders if they had any problem with me going and they assured me that it was fine by them. Karl and Pat (my son) were doing 5 MOH too and they wanted me to come along so it was decided.

Unfortunately, we had geared my bike up a tooth in the front for the harescramble and expected desert speeds but opted not to bring my smaller countersprocket for this trip. So I was a bit apprehensive about the higher gearing but figured I’d just have to use the clutch more. Then Karl informed me that the gas was mixed a bit rich because he’d put enough oil in for 5 gallons of mix but could only get 4.5 gallons in since there had been a bit left over from the last fillup. The weather was pretty warm and with the higher els, I figured I’d be getting my plug changing down to an art.

So, with a wave goodbye to the rest of the group, we headed off into 5 MOH. I was really nervous once we dropped over the first few big rocks and I adjusted my mindset to scanning the rocks for white paint. My bike stalled & died within the first 100 yards, fouled plug. Woohooo this is gonna be a LONG 5 (actually 7.9) miles! We got the plug changed in a record 20 minutes (my oversized tank makes it a total PITA to change plugs and with my nerves, knowing that I was already holding the group up it was even more difficult). I told Karl that maybe I should go back & just go with the other group. He reassured me that I would be fine. One of the other guys came back to see what was wrong about the time I was ready to fire my bike up. It fired & died. Checked the cap again, kicked & kicked & kicked. Finally tried the old starting drill and it came to life. Got going and stalled again shortly after. Karl suggested I turn my idle up which helped.

Here I am coming across the flats - pic taken by the guys up on top of the first rock face:

All was fine until we got to the first real rock face. The crew was hanging out on various levels of the rocks with cameras ready. Karl and I pulled up and looked for the white paint. “You gotta be kidding!!”

The guys instructed us to line up with the white paint, climb the first face, back up for a reset then climb the 2nd face. My arms were already exhausted from hanging onto my bars so tight due to the nervous energy and dread. So Karl expertly climbed the first face, reset and climbed the 2nd one looking like an expert trials rider (on a CR500). Next was my turn! I climbed the first face easily, Pat told me to let him reset my bike (he’s such a good kid) then I rode up the 2nd face with ease. I was almost shaking by the time I stopped at the top but I felt much better since it really was pretty easy!

Me going up the 2nd section:

Things were looking better and I was feeling pretty good until I popped around a corner and saw/heard the YZ125 screaming to try & make it up a rocky step. I arrived at the bottom as the kid rode away and saw the guys standing there waiting to help – “oh goody another tough section.” I looked it over and figured it wasn’t that bad. The guys gave me some tips and I said it didn’t look too bad, then they informed me that this was NOT bad at all compared to the next section.

I made it up the rock shelf with some help and arrived at the bottom of the next section in time to see one of the guys literally jump his bike up the vertical rock face landing on top. “Uh – OH!” I wandered around the area as the other riders attempted one by one to figure out a way up & over the section and I couldn’t find anything that really attracted me. A couple tried to go up the face the way the one guy did but that didn’t work too well. Finally the majority of us decided that the best bet was to ride up to the left of the face, take a reset then ride up a narrow little less steep section of the ugly rock face. Karl made it clean, Pat, myself and a couple others needed help as we couldn’t carry enough speed to climb the rock clean.

We followed the white twisty paint lines over rocks, up shelves and on & on. I was actually starting to relax a little bit, then I dropped over a small shelf, saw that the paint took a hard left just as my bike lurched forward due to the clutch being totally heated up and the idle being set so high. I pulled the bike to a stop and peered over a CLIFF! Adrenaline kicked in again (did I mention that I’m afraid of heights)! I rolled the bike back a bit, fired it up and continued on arms starting to hit full pump. I made it up the next small rock face where we waited a bit because Pat was behind due to fouling a plug on his YZ125. It really made me nervous watching him ride the section we’d just come from. Darn kid has no fear and goes way too fast for my comfort of watching!

My bike was having some issues and would stall for no apparent reason, clutch pulled in and all. I finally unplugged the kill switch at Karl’s suggestion and that cured it (we’ve dealt with faulty kill switches on my bike in the past). After a nice little rocky section I noticed that my bike was steaming. Not any surprise since the 5hunny does overheat at times but it seemed that it was steaming out of the waterpump instead of the overflow. Hmmmm. I continued on hoping to catch up to the group and pick up enough speed somewhere to cool the bike down a bit, Karl was behind me. We finally got to a spot that was fairly flat and I stopped. I needed food & water. Karl and one of the other riders (also on a CR500) stopped with me and we looked closer at the steaming bike. Sure enough, the weephole in the waterpump was leaking – not good especially since we weren’t even quite half way and it would be very hard to get a dead CR500 out of 5 MOH! We discussed repair options, Karl poured some water into the radiator and it promptly ran out the bottom. So he decided to plug the weephole with his handy dandy liquid steel stuff. We figured the worst thing that could happen is some water may get into the tranny oil but at least the bike would continue running.

It seemed to work so we filled the radiator back up and headed out. With every rocky climb and every spooky descent into the rocky abyss I had to wonder “how much further?” We came across another group of riders coming from the other end and the expressed their surprise at seeing a woman on 5 MOH and on a 500. They were also quite surprised that Pat was up there on a YZ125. We got a giggle out of that conversation

So we hit the sandy washes, climbed the rock faces & shelves and just continued on. I was finally getting pretty comfortable on the rock but was getting really tired When we broke out of the rocks and onto the end of the trail I was tempted to hop off the bike and kiss the ground but I had to get moving instead cause we needed to get back to the truck.

I was sooo happy to get out of the rocks but on the way back on the 4x4 road I began to think about planning a return trip to 5 MOH. It was tough but I think it would be fun to try again since I know now what to expect and I don’t think I would be half as nervous the next time.

It took us about 5 hours to make it through the 7.9 miles and that included one 20 minute plug change, a 15 minute or so water repair and a few rest stops. The guys we rode with said their best trip through was 3.5 hours with 4 of them so I didn’t feel too bad.


Aug 13, 1999
So we loaded up the trucks and headed for home. Stopped in Salt Lake for a quick dinner and I took a little nap in the backseat of the truck knowing I’d be driving later. Shortly after Missoula I took the wheel. Boy was I thrilled about driving at 2 am for the last leg of the drive which included fog, fresh snow on Lookout Pass in Idaho where I followed the semi’s at 20 – 25 mph due to the slippery roads. Karl commented that it was fine as they had certainly de-iced the roads. More fog, a little more slickness on 4th of July Pass but we were only about 8 miles from Couer d’Alene and the truck was saying it needed diesel. I figured I’d get us to CDA then switch drivers at the gas station. Back on Lookout Pass, I had Becky flip on the outside thermometer to keep an eye on the temps so I’d know when the road were most likely slick, we are in a new F350 long bed crew cab pulling a 4 place enclosed snowmobile trailer with 12 bikes, gear, gas, etc. in it and none of it belonged to me except a couple of the bikes. The trailer was a little tongue heavy and seemed to push a bit in the corners but we were almost home. I was taking it pretty easy, 55 – 60 mph since the thermometer was reading 32 – 33 degrees and there was water coming off the tuck tires.

As I approached the Veteran’s Memorial Bridge across a portion of Coeur d’Alene Lake I slowed a bit because I know that bridges can be slick. To my horror, the trailer started to fishtail, we were on a 400 yard long two lane (luckily both in one direction) bridge deck covered in blackice!!!!!

I started saying “Oh $%@&*@#$%, oh *&%#$@*, oh #$%&*()” as my passengers started to wake up to the sliding/swaying of our vehicle. We were swerving from one side of the bridge to the other all the way across the bridge. This bridge is like 200 feet in the air and 400 yards long!!! I had a little premonition earlier, prior to the passes, of a truck over a barrier so I was scared ****less at this point and trying everything I could to get control of the rig before we plunged over the barrier to a certain death.

Miraculously, I maintained enough control to get across the bridge but as we hit the end of the bridge, the trailer and/or truck hit the barrier on one side which caused it to jackknife and shove the front end of the truck up over the barrier where we came to a stop. I yelled out “Are we over ground or air!!!!?” Becky replied with “It’s GROUND” so we all piled out. Then the fun really started. We quickly realized that the trailer had jackknifed enough to leave the other lane open but the semi’s and cars whizzing across the ice covered bridge were sliding as they tried to maneuver past us. Karl grabbed a flashlight and started out on the bridge deck to flag drivers away (it is still dark at 5 am here). A car starts to skid towards him, he runs to the barrier and is getting ready to jump as I look from the end of the bridge and scream “DO NOT JUMP there’s nothing below you!!!!!” The car makes it past all of us, Karl didn’t jump thank God! He waited till there were no lights and sprinted across the bridge to warn drivers at the beginning of the bridge. Stan grabbed more flashlights & flares and we all tried to keep from getting killed while flagging off the oncoming traffic in the dark.

It took forever for emergency crews to show up and get the traffic under control. I have no idea how all the semis & cars made it past us without hitting the trailer or one of us. The other guys came back shortly before the tow truck arrived. It was so icy the guys just pushed the trailer back in line with the truck once the cops shut the traffic off. The tow truck lifted the truck off the barrier and Stan drove it up the road until it started to shudder from lack of tranny fluid – the barrier put a hole in the belly pan and the truck lost tranny fluid. None of us were hurt, none of the bikes were hurt. It looks like the nose of the trailer was all that was damaged on it from when it jackknifed into the rear of the truck. The truck has some pretty bad body damage but other than that & the belly pan appeared to be okay.

What a nightmare! I’d take 5 Miles of Hell, even 10 Miles of Hell over black ice on a tall, very long bridge anyday!

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Jan 30, 2007

:nod: bbbom sounds like you and your buddies had a great time in Moab. Great pictures!! I too found 5MOH very challenging when I rode it 1999.This time we didn't ride 5MOH due to not really knowing the trail and me being a wimp (4 years without a bike is a long time). I had a great time riding all the other trails with zero-it & Deanna. I rode with caution in mind since it had been so long. I'm pretty sure Zero-it used up all of her patients waiting for her buddies. My CRF250 did awesome in Moab :cool:

Now your drive home sound terrifyng :ohmy: and the picture looks scary. I'm glad none of you were hit by other sliding vehicles and you all made it home in one piece!!


May 20, 2000
Arrgh! That's a grim way to end such a fun trip. Sure glad to hear y'all are alright. Probably a good thing you took a minister with you.

So what's with the screwing around having a picnic on 5 Miles of Hell?! It's less than 8 miles for crying outloud! :nener: Seems like it took us about 3 hours round trip from the trailhead and back around, but it was 8 years ago and I could just be dreaming.... that's happend once or twice before. It was sure nice visiting with you for 45 seconds or whatever it was there in the Conoco parking lot. We proceeded into Green River for a not so good breakfast while you got to go for a fun ride. To make up for it, we never hit any snow or ice on the drive home. We did get into a torrential downpour of rain over here on the westside though and had the trailer & van all hydroplaning at the same time down I-90. I mashed down on the gas pedal and slammed the trailer brake controller to straighten things out. That finally worked on the second attempt. Thankfully there were no vehicles in the lane next to me and I didn't park the whole works over a guardrail. Guess I got nothing to complain about compared to your hell-ride.

Good pictures from your trip. Thanks for sharing. Now, get out in that shop, change out your countershaft sprocket and replace your waterpump seal!



Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 3, 2002
That was a great ride report. :cool: The pictures you took are awesome, the scenery is amazing. I need to put Moab on my must ride list. Im glad you all were ok after the accident :yikes: You should be very proud of conquering that trail I know I would be. Pat must be pretty talented to make that trail on a 125.


Aug 13, 1999
It was definitely the most challenging trail I've ever done.

Ribtickler welcome back to the world of bikes, I'm sure zero_it didn't use up all of her patience - she's one of the most patient riders I know. :rotfl:

And you know me zero_it, I like picnics and sight seeing. A nap once in awhile is always good too. :nener:

We would have liked to have had a chance to see you guys for more than the alloted 45 seconds too. Heck Becky was excited to meet you guys and I didn't even get to introduce you all.

Sounds like your trip home was also exciting. I was trying to find the trailer brake controller on the bridge but with all Stan's gadgets couldn't figure out where it was. I remembered your car trailer story with Tom & the diesel spill and with the amount of time I had swerving across that stinking long arse bridge I had all kinds of ideas in my head. I just couldn't take my eyes off the swerving road to look for it.

BTW, I'm leaving the bike geared up. Oil looked good still so I figure that since we made it through 5 MOH with the higher gearing, it might be time for me to learn to ride a little faster. Waterpump is in the works, bike will be ready to roll by this weekend!

3KDXXR2, Pat is a very good rider. He's 14 now and has been riding since he was 4 1/2. He is very smooth and we've taken him up stuff on 60's, 80's, etc that a lot of big bikes can't make. He's also had the opportunity to ride with many very talented riders that he learns great skills from. They push him and he loves it.

I wanna ride like Pat when I grow up. :cool:


Jan 30, 2000
Outstanding report bbbom! Those are some of the best photos of 5MOH I've seen. The bridge incident was just plain scary - great job keeping it together and for the ride in general :worship:

I always found 13/49 was good on the CR with 14/51 just a little taller but still good. 13/51 for total goat trails.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 3, 2002
I wanna ride like Pat when I grow up. :cool:[/QUOTE]

Me Too :)


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Great report! Looks kinda fun,even if it did end kinda bad was the truck/trailer messed up?

I think I'll keep playing in the dirt. If me and trees don't get along, there is NO way me and ROCKS would get along!


Aug 13, 1999
The trailer looked like it was just some damage to the front of the trailer wall but otherwise it seemed to be fine. The truck sustained damage to 3 quarterpanels, hole in the bellypan but otherwise appeared good to go. I haven't heard from the owner on exact damages, he was working with his insurance on it a couple days ago so I'm waiting to hear what the final outcome is.

Thanks for the gearing suggestions KiwiBird, I think mine is currently 14/51 but I'm not sure it could be 13/51. I used to be 12/51 but that was a bit hard on the chain!


Mi. Trail Riders
Jul 19, 2006
Wow nice ride report. The 5MOH must have been a total adrenaline rush. What beautiful scenery, but I think I will stick to trees and dirt. Those rocks look scary.

Glad to hear everyone is OK after the icy bridge.


Sep 8, 2006
Wow! I just don't know what else to say. I am sure I will never ever ride that. I was nervous just reading about you riding it. Congratulations. I am in awe. Glad to hear you made it home safely. All that you rode then having to deal with the rig jackknifing on the return trip. What a trip.

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