
Mar 21, 2007
i dont know about you but a 2 stroke kills my ears alot more than the 4 strokes do their both loud but a 2 stroke is buzzie its annoying sounding and what it puts out dont smell to good either i agree 4 stokes are louder farther away but if youve ever been to a mainly 2 stroke race after the start the fumes leave you choking for air

CR fella

Mar 22, 2007
zaz696 said:
Quiet silencers won't help this idiot. I don't care if you have a 50 cal sniper rifle at your side. You will shoot someone, then spend the rest of your life in prison regretting the stupid act. Also, I'm sure the other riders you can't shoot will find a good place for your "45" (where the sun don't shine). If you need a side arm to deal with a bunch of kids riding dirt bikes, you are a wuss, an idiot or both. :uh:
lol shoot a rider and the only noise you'll hear will be your own screams commin from big bubbas cell as he rips you a new one:nener:

guns don't do ****, they only make people go out and get their own and then come pay you a visit, and if it's not illegal in your state then im sure their not that hard to come by, and running around making it visible to everyone is by far the stuidest thing anyone can do, god i'd be getting a gun just to keep the crazy neighbour at bay.


Feb 27, 2007
Our sport is very driven by what's cool.Pipes,gear,etc.If the manufacturers would
get together and put all the top riders on quiet bikes, the aftermarket could still sell the pipes that the pros have and maybe we can stand next to the track and talk
to each other.I'm 47 now and want somewhere to ride when I'm 67. I think the
AMA and promotors aren't thinking beyond today.


Feb 13, 2007
My 2 Cents

I am new to the sport again. I rode when I was in High school and sold my bike for a street bike. Sold the street bike for a killer stereo :bang: Sold the car and stereo. No I am a married man with a little girl who I can't wait to get old enough to ride. I am also a Parole Officer so I run into crazy people doing crazy stuff all the time. I ride at an OHV park in a a national recreational area. I ride a 06 TTR-230 that is completely stock. I don't think it is loud at all, but I could be wrong. What I hate is when I am coming back to the staging area I see these guys on both quads and bikes that are going the required 5mph and are ten times louder than my bike at wide open throttle. My point is I can understand a bike getting loud when you are really on it, but what is the point of having a loud bike when you are putting along. I will also say that it is both the 2 and 4 strokes that get on my nerves. Sure let the bike rip when it is wide open, but you aren't making any power cruising at 5mph so why be loud? I hate hearing bikes on the other side of the park through dense woods. I always wonder what they are doing and then I see them pull out and they are just coasting along being loud. I am all for quiet bikes. Oh and as far as the sound level in domes I don't really get it. I went to the St. Louis SX race and even my wife didn't complain about the loud noise. I am definately glad it was mostly four strokes though because I hate going to our local expo center and coming out smelling like gas. Just my 2 cents though. I will gladly support anything that improves the sport. And just a heads up, but the guys that offroad in trucks are fighting the same battle so maybe we need to team up with them. After all we share a lot of the same land.

Mini Rider #4

Jan 5, 2007
Check this out!

In Virginia, House Bill 3073 would make it illegal for anyone to ride a dirtbike or ATV within 500 feet of any home, including their own!

I Washington, Senate Bill 5544 and House Bill 1434 would make it illegal to ride a dirtbike or ATV anywhere where the sound is audible inside, or immediately adjacent to, a residence. :bang:

Courtesy of: American Motorcyclist ( April 2007 )


Apr 28, 2007
Wow. A Highly Educational Thread, to say the least.

Is there some way to condense this down to some salient "Here's what you can do" thread of the productive recommendations?

(Some suggestions would be to include links to a website with addresses of manufacturers, AMA contacts, the dirtbike lobby, the mx lobby, the general roadbike lobby? and maybe lock it from future discussion so it maintains its usefulness?)

For educational purposes, I'd also vote to keep the two summaries that are found on this and one other thread regarding the physics of exhaust systems, power, and sound. Maybe on a second thread or, again, in a website?

lynch racing

Aug 13, 2004
You Crazy Americans

As long as you keep buying the 4t they will make them, Don`t buy them! We run a KTM 144 and sound test every tech inspection at 93db with a FMF shorty! Half the maintainence cost and runs over the 250F`s. They added a 125 2T sub class in the EM this year and a resurgence of the 2 stroke has started over here, many teams switching back and will make the 125 2t class the contested class with more money available to field more riders and more exposure for the teams, It`ll start in the USA soon as you are always a season behind,,,


May 10, 2007
skyhigh230 said:
i dont know about you but a 2 stroke kills my ears alot more than the 4 strokes do their both loud but a 2 stroke is buzzie its annoying sounding and what it puts out dont smell to good either i agree 4 stokes are louder farther away but if youve ever been to a mainly 2 stroke race after the start the fumes leave you choking for air

i know its a matter of opinion, but i luv the sound the 2 strokes have. And as far as the smell i luv that too. i like to come home and have all my gear smell like 2 stroke. :) Now i know this whole thing was about the sound of the thumpers, but the scream of the 2 stroke is the best sound ever. sometimes if my bike is broke down ill start up the weedeater and do that a while just to listen to that sound lol. :nod:


Apr 9, 2007
Thick skulled morons

in regards to the last 3 topics on noise pollution...I ride a 2 stroke and keep the exhaust quiet on both of my bikes 125 and 250. But then there are my riding buddies and fellow track riders who cannot get the concept of "power doesn't come from noise". I am a mechanic and they still don't listen, i have explained that they just need to properly jet their bikes to put a quiet muffler on, i have explained that fmf makes Q mufflers...but alas these morons show up at the next practice, one has a straght pipe on his 450 and the other guy has one of those shorty silencers on his 2 stroker. These same people also still have the balls to throw up their hands and curse the world because most of upstate NY area has been posted with orange diamonds indicating no motorized vehicles..........i hate loud pipes. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas on how to get through to morons like this, please let me know.


Oct 19, 2006
The thick skulled morons are also the people who close the trails to motorized vehicles. It doesn't matter how quiet your bike is, they just don't want you to ride it.


Dude Guy Bub
Damn Yankees
Mar 31, 2007
Coming from one of those "Punks"

Well as kid myself i can understand why and where all these loud pipes are coming from. As with any competitive sport there are mainly two types of people, "He wants to win" & "He who wants to be noticed". Well for those that just want to be noticed one of the easiest ways for them to make people turn heads towards them selves and get attention is to have a loud pipe. These people who want to be noticed are Hackers of a sort. They want all the fame and glory of being a professional without having to do any of the work. They look for ways in which people will notice them, appaluad them, and try to take after them so they can feel special. Its almost as if theres a competition in the sport just to have the loudest pipe and to be noticed the most. And the youngsters who come to the track for the first time, their first impression is on the loud pipes and they too get mesmerized into this screwed up perseption. Don't get me wrong , not all with a loud pipe just wants to be noticed, but its an advantage, to have more performance and a way to keep up with the competition. I understand this and respect it in a sort that they are trying and strive so hard to win. Well if you ask me these people need to stop working so they can pay for these expensive pipes to be faster and need to start working on their riding skills. We need a way to convince these "punks" that the attention they are getting is not the kind they want.

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
Here's how...........blow by em on a quiet bike. I do however, totally understand your point. It's the loud pipe "I'm bad" mentality that also makes the excuses for being passed..........."Sun was in my eyes, bad powerband, alarm clock didn't go off" blah blah, blah.
May 22, 2007
The article made me think as well,But unfortunatly I can't do much about the sound of my CR250.It is a 1985 and You can only buy so many parts for it.I have a Stock Pipe,And a DG Silencer which I replaced the packing and it didn't do much to the sound.My bike isn't TOO loud,But is alittle louder than my friends CR125 which is newer.I think alot of trails are shut down due to noise,And when I am at the track I am scared to death of them big 4-strokes behind me.It seems they are right behind me so I gun it looking like a idiot just because I think there right behind me,When there on the other side of the track.I do agree people should lessen the noise of their bikes.

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
crazymotoxrider said:
...But unfortunatly I can't do much about the sound of my CR250.It is a 1985 and You can only buy so many parts for it.I have a Stock Pipe,And a DG Silencer which I replaced the packing and it didn't do much to the sound...

Crazy - good to know you repacked your silencer - way to many people,particularly those on older bikes it seems, dont bother to. Actually there is a lot you can do with your old CR - do a search on Db Snorkle - great product - really quiets down a bike, does not have a performance impact (and the seller has dyno charts to prove it).


May 2, 2007
Hey my buddys got a KX65 2stroke and when he starts it u cant here anything or anyone talking to you atleast take to heart if you get a quite pipe people in your comunitee wont call the cops and hate you people so much so think of what your doing cause soon dirtbiking is going to be accient history. Where I live you see some guy riding a KX250F and he rides for 5 mins and the cop come in the next 10 to see what the noise problem is about cause someone just calls the cops. so think about what your doing.

lynch racing

Aug 13, 2004
motometal said:
, but not sure. The headpipe on a modern four stroke will sometimes glow if you ride hard, don't remember the twos doing that but not sure if hotter gasses means louder exhaust.
Steve Lamson`s famous "Blue Pipe" Hondas, He just cooked them-a real 125 rider-Deep mud or sand and he would make them glow if it was dark!!! :cool:


May 16, 2007
you guys need to think for a second on what u are complaning about anyway. some of u are saying a loud pipe will get the cops to come over, what part of DIRT bike do u not understand. whats wrong with a loud pipe it shows that you are a true offroad rider and love the sport. if u were having problems and the cops are being involved then you are not offroad because they wont bother you if u are. so a loud pipe is not a bad thing at all.


Mar 25, 2007
you guys need to think for a second on what u are complaning about anyway. some of u are saying a loud pipe will get the cops to come over, what part of DIRT bike do u not understand. whats wrong with a loud pipe it shows that you are a true offroad rider and love the sport. if u were having problems and the cops are being involved then you are not offroad because they wont bother you if u are. so a loud pipe is not a bad thing at all.

so your saying that loud pipes are none of the reason riding areas are being shut down?
May 10, 2007
i think that some people just dont like us.

my friends ride a crf150F and a crf100f in their back yard and their neighbor complained. these bikes a quiet too. some people are reistant to change and that fact that our sport is becoming bigger is a big change.

noise is a problem though thats why i run a Q4 cuz the stock 150r pipe is uncorked and loud

but i also think that there needs to be some noise but not a lot. i mean it would just be weird to me to hop on a bike start it up and hum away.

you dont need a lot of noise just a little something. my old bike (the crf100 my friends little bro rides) made just the right amount. it wasnt loud but it didnt hum.

and i hope no one reads that and says oh this guy wants bikes to be loud. if i did why would i have gone a bought an expensive Q4.
Last edited:

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
J-man said:
you guys need to think for a second on what u are complaning about anyway. some of u are saying a loud pipe will get the cops to come over, what part of DIRT bike do u not understand. whats wrong with a loud pipe it shows that you are a true offroad rider and love the sport. if u were having problems and the cops are being involved then you are not offroad because they wont bother you if u are. so a loud pipe is not a bad thing at all.
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