
Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
This one’s for you Daniel Joseph!

The snow on the ground at my house was a bad omen. It didn’t get any warmer on the drive over to Stafford, CT either. I pre-registered and was on minute 28. My pit crew, Mrs. Woods and Woods Jr., need to work on their timing. Mrs. Woods heads to the bathroom and Junior decides to make me a present. Nothing like changing a dirty diaper 15 minutes before your key time.

The start was 2 miles down the road from the pits. Event though I was wearing my winter riding jacket I was frozen when I got there. I was first off the line and through the mud holes and doing pretty good until I realized I couldn’t feel my fingers. This made slipping the clutch on the first rocky uphill almost impossible. The bike stalled and I nearly fell over but managed to save myself. Finally made it to the top, but my fingers were still numb. Made a poor line choice at a mud hole. The front tire dropped in a rut and stopped. The back end started coming up, but I held on to keep from going over the bars. Slid forward and rapped the “twins” on the gas cap. Spent five minutes catching my voice… errr, uh breath and unburying my bike. I least I didn’t do a face plant in the mud. Dropped 14 points in the first section. A short reset gave me a minute or two of rest.

Down some tar roads and through a short transfer section and another reset had us out on some gravel and tar roads. Went through a water crossing where a Dodge Dakota was buried in the mud. Made sure to follow the line of the guy in front of me. I zeroed the check-in to second test section and was riding pretty good swapping back and forth with a rider on a CR250. Dropped five points in the second test section. A short transfer section down some tar roads had us at an OB check for the third test section where I dropped another four points before heading to the gas stop.

I was hoping for a quick turnaround at gas, but noticed a bolt missing from my sharkfin. I scrounged through my toolbox, but couldn’t find a short enough spare. A quick search of non-essential fasteners on the bike turned up nothing I could use. I ended up using a zip-tie to hold it together. This cost me about ten minutes and I headed back out on minute 41. A short transfer section of tar roads and trails had us to the fourth test section. Again I zeroed the check-in. This section contains a really difficult and rocky uphill. I think this may be what is known as the Black n’ Blue rock garden, but I’m not positive. Last year it ate my lunch this year I stalled once but made it up with very little effort. Once I got past the rock gardens I was actually moving along at a good pace.

All of a sudden something went horribly wrong. My rear end was sliding all over the place as if I was riding on ice. I stopped and grabbed my tire. It was as flat as the Gulf Coast. I laid the bike down loosened the rim lock, spooned one bead off the rim and pulled most of the tube out. I put a shot of CO2 in the tube and could see the “snake bite” a telltale sign of a pinch flat. I removed the valve core and started pulling my patch kit out. I roughed up the tube and took the cap off the tube of patch glue. I squeezed the tube and nothing came out. The glue was hard as a rock. Putting everything back together I looked at my odometer and the roll chart. There was a reset about a half mile ahead so I figured the out-check would be there. I rode to the check at a snails pace and dropped 9 points. After the check I zip-tied the tire to the rim and rode 8 miles of tar roads back to the pits where we loaded up. Before heading home we had the fried chicken lunch and I checked out my score. There were 9 people in my class that day, but I wasn’t in last place. Some other guy only made it to check 6.

Thanks goes out to the Connecticut Ramblers M/C for putting on this enduro. I heard about a lot of riders complaining, but frankly the only thing that bothered me was my frozen fingers. Of course I didn't ride the entire course and I heard some parts were worse than others, especially for the later riders. The proceeds of the enduro went to help a rider who was severely injured earlier this year. What a great cause. I’ll be back next year.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Phft!! What a wuss. If I was there I would have ridden the whole thing on a flat :p

(Glad you made it our alive though. I did warn you, didn't I?)


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by RM_guy
If I was there I would have ridden the whole thing on a flat
Dave, It's time to have the doctor reduce the dosage of your medication. You're becoming delusional again.

Farmer John

T.C.F.<br>(tire changin' fool)
Mar 8, 2000
Good write up Woods.

Sounds like you need some heated handgrips. ;)

About 2-3 years ago I installed some on my CR (Ricky Stator lighting coil). The next enduro I rode was just after a snow fall. All the manzanita had snow on it at hand level. After the event was over everyone was talking about how cold/numb their hands were. It was then that I realized my heaters were on the Max setting & my hands, while cool, were perfectly fine.


Damn Yankees
Sep 14, 2000
Originally posted by Trail Boss

Sounds like your pit crew could use a bit more training... :silly:
Yeah Potty Training. :eek:

I had a blast. Finished with a 43, which I think was 5th "B" bantam. Dropped 14 in the first half, 29 after gas. The last 2 sections were fresh cut that were a little tough. Minute 11 there were still quite a few leaves on the ground making it difficult to see the rocks. I would of, could of, should of done better but a couple of stupid mistakes cost me. Got stuck after trying to pass a slower rider, went off into the woods and got stuck. In the last section in a rock/mud garden fell over and had to restart the bike, missed the card flip by 6 sec. This on a check all my freinds were running (You would think they would give me a break. Noooo, they write obsenities on my score card instead). Anyways, had a great time.


Jan 15, 2002
Nice write up Woods, you started 1 minute behind me. I got out of shape and stopped on that first hill too, then crashed BIG TIME in the big whoops a few miles later, not the way to make up time. I checked out with a 13. So with bent bars, pushed up hand guard, and a sore arm & chest I decided to see if I could just finish. The rest of the day was (thankfully) uneventful and I finished with a 59. The special test around mile 55 was real fun, and the two new sections at the end were a surprise, nothing too hard but really tight and technical. And yes, I froze all day, even with a jacket and the big wind guards on the bars.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Even though I stalled I passed a few riders on that first hill. If I did catch you I'm sure you spotted me singing soprano in that mud hole.

Looks like I should invest in heavy-duty tubes for next year. :confused:


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
I can't imagine what riding in THAT cold of a temperature would be like and then to have the flat tire to deal with. You have a lot of perseverance, Woods! Have you tried grip warmers?


Jan 15, 2002
Usually I'm pretty good after the first mile or two of trail, you get a good sweat going and your warm the rest of the day. I snow ride through the winter and have never had a problem. But on the day of the Black & Blue I just got cold on the road sections and stayed cold in the woods, weird. I can't run handwarmers because I ride a YZ 250 and don't have a lighting coil.


Damn Yankees
Sep 14, 2000
All I did was use my one size larger gloves with polyproplene liners with deflectors over my hand guards works fine until it gets really cold.


Jun 25, 2000
Dont know why i write this crap here but what the hell.

I have always been riding the winter no matter what the weather is. Ive been riding on lakes in down to -25 degrees in speeds probably over 100km/h and average speed maybe around 50. Did i freeze? Actually not, sure i had all the clothes i could find. This winter i will be riding on the MX track so it should be easier or maybe harder to keep warm. Comparing to iceracing, riding on a MX track the body creates much more heat. Good or bad? well in short terms its good but problem is you will be very sweety if you dress too warm. Then when you need to stop to rest you will begin to freeze. Key parts that are hard to keep warm is as always, feets, hands and face. I havent had problem with my face when riding as the helmet protects good. Hands and feets are the hard ones. You dont want too thick gloves as you loose alot of feeling, atleast i do. So what you want is to protect them from the wind so you dont need so thick gloves. And the feets generate little heat too keep them warm and they are often isolated from the rest of the body. Try to get as much "airflow" from your legs down the boots, keep your pants outside the boots and dont tighten the boots so hard.

Oh man i love winter riding! Is there anything better than a long highspeed slide, throwing the snow in the air? I think not.


Sep 20, 2001
Originally posted by WoodsRider
Junior decides to make me a present.

Great report Woods!

A how to on "Flat repair on the trail" would be great in the new exclusive content forum. :thumb:


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Lesson #1:
Make sure you have all the tools you need to perform a flat repair. :eek:

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Brrrrrrrr ..... Woods, how do you stand it after living down south?

Maybe my bloods too thin, I know I don't have the gear in any case.&nbsp; My hats off to you guys!


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Teeds - I thought Texans were supposed to be tough? :scream:


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Pretty ironic coming from someone who lives in tornado alley! :scream:

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