May 18, 2006
I have a bolt stuck on the gas tank of my bike.It is the one on the left side in the middle holding on the radiator cover on my 1995 CR250.I tryed vice grips and I think its just twisting and not going anywhere.What can i do to get it out?I dont care about the bolt just getting it out so I can get ready for new scoops.Any help is greatly appreciated.Thanks.


Apr 29, 2006
Its called something different too, screw extractor i think, but its basicly a set of drill bits, you pick the best size, drill into the broken bolt, and has like a hand twist thing that grips the hole you drilled and backs it out. Google Easy Out or Screw Extractor for a pic, I dont think I can post one.


Apr 18, 2006
An easy out is what you use when the bolt breaks off and you need to get the remaining piece out of the engine case or where ever. Basically, you drill a hole down the center of the broken off screw and then thread in the "easy out". The easy out has a tapered thread like shape to it except the opposite direction of normal. When you push it into the hole you just drilled and then rotate it counter clockwise it will try to dig deeper into the hole and end up (hopefully) unscrewing the broken off bolt. You can buy these at most hardware stores.

In your case it isn't going to help you because you can turn the screw, it just doesn't unthread.

I am sure that the bolt you are trying to remove does not thread directly into the gas tank itself. I would guess that there is a nut of some sort on the back side that is spinning and not allowing you to unscrew the bolt. Somehow you need to get a wrench or a pair of pliers onto the nut and hold it.


May 18, 2006
Heres a pic to help everyone understand better.The bolt squared in with yellow is the stuck one.You can turn it with vice grips but it doesnt go anywheres.The other side is inside the gas tank.The only thing I can think of is if somehow I can pop that whole barrel nut type thing out like you see the top one has I could get another one and put a new screw in.Thanks for any help.


Feb 23, 2006
I think those threaded inserts are molded right into the tank when they are mfg'd. I don't think they can be replaced. Brandy new tank...around $300 or more. I think you're going to have to invent a way to use whats left there to fasten the new shroud to.

You said it just spins, so I'm guessing that the insert is spinning in the tank. So even if you got the screw out of the insert, it would always be a problem tightening or loosening the new screw.

Maybe cut the new shroud to fit over the screw head, a larger fender washer with a slot cut to the hole slipped behind the screw head, and a snap ring to retain it? Dunno.

I think you are going to have to get pretty creative to fix this. Sorry I don't have a pat answer for you. Good luck!


May 18, 2006
Well I am probally going to end up getting a new tank then...I am going through all the trouble of getting the frame powder coated and polishing the swinger I might as well be perfect...(well at least till I wreck it the first time)Thanks for the help guys. :ride:


Dec 31, 2005
You can heat the screw up with a soldering iron enough to soften the plastic of the tank and pull it out then put the nut in a vice and then unscrew it. If the insert is in good condition run the appropriate tap through the hole and resinstall it using the soldering iron. You can push the melted tank plastic in and around the insert with the iron till it sets in and wait till it cools.


Mar 15, 2005
If you do that, make sure there is no gas in the tank. (obviously lol). I would say pop that bolt that is molded into the tank out some how, then take a new nut and heat the tank and press it in. Any nut will do. Good luck.

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