
Aug 30, 2002
Drink a lot of milk/ Calcium. I assume you have a cast and have asked your doctor. Also, take it easy don't rush it, let it heal properly, you will be much happier in the end.


Apr 9, 2003
Take a tennis ball and squeeze it. That helps build the muscle up good. I broke my right wrist in 3 places, but i exercised it everyday and tried to used it alot, but only as much as the cast and muscles will allow. I got my cast off in 4 weeks. But my other arm, the right one, which i shattered both bones in needed surgey and alot more than exercising it with a tennis ball!!! Just take it easy and dont over work yourself, give it time to heal properly

I hope this helps. Get better soon!!!


Cx Threepio

Jul 10, 2003
healed now, i got the cast off yesterday morning. Thanks for all your help! I think i'll try squeezing the tennis ball to help build up my muscle again. thank god i got a 15 lb weight a week before it got broken. i'll use that too.
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