Crashing sucks! Busted up my shoulder, again :(


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Damnit... back in mid-March, in the first race of the year, I went from a sweet holeshot to an ambulance trip after getting clipped in the air. The damage... a few tears in my rotator cuff (shoulder). I was out for a good 2-3 months and finally got back to "normal" a few weeks ago. Been racing, riding, water skiing, kneeboarding, playing volleyball, biking, and feeling good for the past couple of weeks. My right arm was still pretty weak and a lot smaller than my left but things were good. Was even able to master the whoop section at the fair race we helped hold a week ago.

Well Friday night I raced the night track at Red Bud. It was 100 degrees and as humid as can be and Red decided not to sign up. Me and our buddy Donny made fun of him a little... as we did sign up. Well Donny and I were out in the same practice and Donny got nailed in the arm with someone's bars and broke his arm. I survived practice and then a few hours later was ready for my first moto.

+35 was the first drop then they dropped women with +40 and there was probably 20-25 bikes in our gate drop. Somehow I snuck around tight in the first turn and came out in 2nd or 3rd on the start. I felt great and was running top 5 out of the whole pack, first in womens, and felt really smooth. Well, on the last lap, I decide to go for this uphill double out of an off cambre turn that I have always been scared to try. I come around a little wide and try to square up to the jump and pin the throttle and... well... ended up a little sideways off the face and cased the jump good. Bike shot me off and I did a face/shoulder plant and got a nice bolt scrape on my lower stomach. I laid in the sand and hoped not to get landed on and knew something wasn't right. Finally got off the track, again holding my right arm so the weight wouldn't pull on my shoulder, and boy was I disappointed. Got a ride back to the pits and went through the whole passing out thing again. Lemming was a good coach and somehow I didn't go down for the count.

Well... it's been 4 days now and it's not lookin too good. Again, I can't lift my arm away from my side on my own more than a few inches. Luckily the pain isn't anything like last time as it only hurts if I try to move it funny. And, unlike last time, my arm still has a little strength... just looks like a range of motion issue. Funny thing is if I lift my arm over my head with my good arm, then I can hold it up without help. So I have some motion above my head with it, just not picking it up/out to my side. Guess I'm gonna wait a few weeks, do my same therapy exercises from last time, and hope for the best. If it doesn't get better... I think it's time to see a new orthopedic surgeon and maybe go for a third $1,800 MRI.

My goal is to be riding by mid-August for the Millville WML race... I guess I better get to training. This sport sucks sometimes... :|


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001

Wow, that blows Nikki. :|

Sounds like maybe your range of motion is still OK because the scar tissue hasn't had a chance to set up yet. I'm no PT, but I'd hook up with one to get that shoulder back on track right from the get-go. I've had rotator cuff bruising/tears that didn't lock up until 2-3 weeks after the fall. I babied it, and it locked up. Breaking up the scar tissue at that point is very painful. :scream:

BTW, this wouldn't happen to be the off-camber turn to double you cased, is it? This was our favorite spot to watch the race action.


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Jun 15, 2001
I have to say Nikki, your nuts girl. I love the sport as much as the next rider but If I got my arm darn near ripped off, I think I would sit out MX untill I felt at least 90% and then take it easy. I mean you were 100% when you got hurt the first time so going out with a still tweeked shoulder and racing for sport, man I dont know. Ever tried enduro riding? :) . I just cant belive your talking about racing again in a month or so.
Best of luck and hope you have a full and fast recovery, hey have you checked out those sports shoulder braces that are supposed to keep your shoulder from separating and all? probably be cheaper than an $1800 MRI.

Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
Originally posted by JasonJ
Ever tried enduro riding?

Yeah; enduro riders are a laid-back bunch. ;) :laugh:

Hope you heal quick Nikki.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
be careful nikki. i need you healthy at dw so you can give my daughter some pointers. :cool:


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Feel better soon, nikki !


Sep 21, 2001
Take two aspirins and if pain persists see your doctor...or was that take two aspirins and call me in the morning.......hang on.....a rotor cuff......take pethedine and speak with slurry voice......


Jan 15, 2000
That sucks Nik! Heal up fast and stop falling, I need to have someone to follow come DW. I think I can train the YZF to be the runerover instead of the crashee (I've got experience!) , just ship it down to my house and by the time Millville rolls around it won't even feel like the same bike. :)


Sponsoring Member
Jan 1, 2001
Ugg, thats a bummer Nikki. For what its worth, a x-ray showed my separated shoulder, I had a very slow and painful, but nearly full range of motion. If it is separated(ligaments stretched), it will need a few weeks of rest and recovery before starting therapy(acording to my doc). Thats such a drag. Hope this recovery is a little smoother than last time.


Ready to bang some trees!
Jan 4, 2000
bummer nikki! Sorry to hear.

Yup I agree! Time for woods racing. You got the perfect bike!


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Hey everyone thanks for the support!

Smit-dog... yeah it was on the night track that I took a soil sample. I am kinda leary of PT because I missed a lot of work the first three months that I was hurt and most of the PT sessions were just doing stuff that I did home every day anyways. I have been doing a lot at home the past few days and am keeping a close eye on things though.

Oldguy - darn right the K-Dub jersey made me forget about my shoulder for a while!! I have been trying/hoping to get that jersey for about 6 years now! I told myself this year that I wouldn't leave Red Bud without one! :cool:

Jason/Offroadr/Smit-dog - woods... no thanks!!! Last time I ventured into the woods was the DW01 poker run and I came out with a bruised kidney! Hit a freakin rock and flew over the bars. Plus those trees don't give when you smack into em! I'll stick to doubles and triples! :)

mx547 - no worries I'll be healed enough to give some pointers... but with my crashing record this season... maybe I'm not the best to give advice! :scream:

2smoke - my buddy Donny who broke his arm the same night had some Vicadins so I was set for the weekend at least :confused:

SOLO... LOL dude!

Walt - I hope it's not separated. Doesn't really act that way but ya never know. How is your shoulder coming along? Any idea how long until you can ride again? Hopefully before DW, yeah?


May 23, 2003
agree with some of the others-try enduro/woods riding.Gee,another serious injury due to an accident on a double jump.imagine that.There are people who would say it's simply your fault.I disagree,the tracks with SX obstacles suck,and have always sucked.
You,obviously a good rider,wants to race.In order to put in good lap times you have to jump this crap,and look what happened.It's obvious that these tracks affect what you can or can't do.What a shame.Doug


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
Nikki...I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you heal up soon.

I must say, I wish I had your courageousness (sp?)...I would look once at that track and say "No way, Jose!".

I agree with what everyone else is saying...try the woods! Although I must admit that the little MX I've done (if you can even call it that) was an absolute blast!


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
d.u.g. - this one I wouldn't blame on the track builders. Actually... I had no reason to try the double except for my own thrill. No one was doing it in the womens class and very few +35/+40 riders were doing it. I just felt like I was riding good and should try it. Note to self: do NOT try new jumps on the last lap of a race when you're tired and got a good sized lead. I was mad though because I watched quite a few people come up short/sideways on the landing that night afterwards and none of them wiped out. Go figure.

No woods riding in my future... I don't like turns, I don't like trees, I don't like hills if I don't know what's on the other side, I don't like creeks, and I'm too small to quickly re-route my 250F if needed. And if I couldn't get the thrill of nailing a 50 foot double, I don't think I'd want to ride any more. Jumping is by far my most favorite thing about riding. Just another bump in the road.

Oh don't worry Okie... I'll be good enough at DW03 to have a 1-2 lap showdown with you if you'd like :confused:


Jan 17, 2001
Nikki girl, you simply need more body armor! I pray you;ll heal up quick and avoid hurting yourself again.

PS, why $1800? Your insurance won't cover it?


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
Originally posted by nikki
...No woods riding in my future... I don't like turns, I don't like trees, I don't like hills if I don't know what's on the other side, I don't like creeks, and I'm too small to quickly re-route my 250F if needed.
Now you're sounding like a girl! ;)

Don't think of them as obstacles, think of them as a challenge. I've never ridden MX, but finessing your way though a tight set of trees/rocks/logs/etc can be a real rush. I don't have the conjones to jump anything, but flying inches from bark does get the adrenaline pumping.

Don't discount woods riding too quickly... it may help keep you in the sport some day... Heck, trials riding is something I'd be interested to try one day.

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