the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Deep Creek Enduro ~ TWMC 2006 !!!!

The 2006 season begins ! :)

17th Annual Deep Creek Enduro ~ Sunday, January 8th ~ 9 AM

At the Stoddard Wells riding area - 15 north take the Wild Wash exit and look for the dayglo TWMC arrows to camp.

No excuses !
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Apr 6, 2002
Im going to miss the starter :( I have a must appear 40th party in Palm Springs.

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
I'm in. I should have the new helmet cam working.

Is anyone camping?

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
scar tissue said:
Is anyone camping?

not I, sir. i'll be there early sunday morning.

any route sheet yet ?


Knucklehead Newbie
Nov 5, 2001
I'm just a maybe at this point. Also considering the Jackrabbits event, but riding this Sunday might be a long shot.


Mar 9, 2004
Here is the route sheet for this weekends event. I also attached the .rs file for the Enduro Rollchart program (you have to change the filename from DeepCreek_06_rs.txt to after you download it).

Don't miss this ride. With all of the rain we just got, the conditions should be great.

Hope to see you out there.


  • DeepCreek_06_Route_Sheet.txt
    2 KB · Views: 154
  • DeepCreek_06_rs.txt
    779 bytes · Views: 140

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
nonickname said:
Here is the route sheet for this weekends event. I also attached the .rs file for the Enduro Rollchart program (you have to change the filename from DeepCreek_06_rs.txt to after you download it).

Don't miss this ride. With all of the rain we just got, the conditions should be great.

Hope to see you out there.

thanks for the route sheet andy .. see you on sunday !

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
kelsorat said:
I'm definitely out for the weekend, bike is in pieces.

What happened to yor bike? Do you let Eel work on it :p :bang:

I will be out Sunday AM. Thanks for posting the route sheets Andy.

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
scar tissue said:
What happened to yor bike? Do you let Eel work on it :p :bang:

I will be out Sunday AM. Thanks for posting the route sheets Andy.

you're gonna get brake-checked punk ! :debil:


Mar 9, 2004
scar tissue said:
I will be out Sunday AM. Thanks for posting the route sheets Andy.

No problem.

Weather report says Sunny, 60 degrees, and light wind. And it rained heavy less than a week earlier. Sounds like perfect race weather to me...

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
the Eel said:
you're gonna get brake-checked punk ! :debil:

Catch me if you can. :moon: :laugh:

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000

I showed up Sunday AM slightly hungover and very tired from a Saturday Softball tournament and an all night Poker game.

No problem, The first club enduro of the year is usually not too tough

Wrong Again :bang: :yikes:

This course was rough, The designers must have spent alot of time watching Pastranas coverage of the Ernsberg Enduro or Red Bulls Last Man Standing. :p We rolled form whooped out trail to chewed up knarly rock beds. Alot of the course had loose softball to lunch pail size rocks to pinball off of. It was tough but fun. I just wish I was in better shape.

I was on lucky minute 13 with Eel, The first loop was somewhat of a double loop. We rode several miles then the course looped around back through the same rock garden again. It was kinda cool. I'm glad our club continues with the novice x split idea. The hillclimbs on the novice and above split section were not layups, they were challenging. We got to pick our way through many downed riders. The checks were also in tough locations. Even on loop one the checks were in sections were I could barely hold the speed. I didn't get many 30's. There was the coolest check on this flat fire road. Guys in complete desert camo were hiding in the brush and jumped out at you. I never saw any stakes but they scared the piss a outta me (and most others) . Especially because just before it there were a bunch of guys shooitng guns just off the course.

Loop 2, the pace was very fast for the terrain. It was a good sandbagger filter, any novices that were on time for that whole loop should be bumped up. After check 1 on loop 2, I would push as hard as I could and just get back into my minute and was praying to see a check but instead I'd get another rock garden to drop somemore time in. :coocoo: I hit a big kicker with the rear wheel and lunched myself upward, I never let go of the bars and my feet hit my hands, which saved me. I bounced back down onto my seat and saved it. Good thing becuase there were rocks everywhere and that would been all she worte. I regrouped and settled down a bit after that. I rode a comforatable pace not worring about the time I was losing

Loop 3 was pretty much an all out sprint, I took off a minute early and came into the first check on time and the 2nd 1.5 down.

I was completely beat and took a little nap in my truck while I was waiting for Eel to return before driving home. Don't have the results yet, but I should earn some points.

The course laid out a tough and interesting event. they did a great job as always, I just wish I was better preparred. One day I'll get back in shape. :cool:


Apr 6, 2002
Sorry I missed it. I did manage the hangover part :).

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
I had a great time … was glad Scar showed up. The course was fun and of course it was ugly - what do you expect ? That's really all there is out at Stoddard ! Lots of turns, chop, and rocks. There were 2 great left-handers that I remember where you would go down a hill into a hard left in the deep sand .. pretty cool it was like a sandbox at the bottom of those hills after one loop went by. There were also 3 sections that were nice and tight and were used for specials - canyon twisties with some little waterfalls and rocks, rocks, rocks. Throw in some tasty hillclimbs and a few whoops and it all adds up to another great time !

I geared the 300 taller at 13/49 and it was perfect … smooth from gear to gear and plenty of legs for the sandwash connectors. The layout was fun and fast. The camo check workers were awesome ! They were wearing shredded camo suits and looked like Sigmund the Sea Monster jumping out of the bushes ! There was also a strategically placed dummy in a bush which scared me the first time I passed it. The final time around the loop I had forgot it was there and slammed on the breaks and started scrubbing since I could just glimpse him hiding in the bushes waiting to jump out and burn me ! Then I realized it was the same dummy. I was cracking up aloud as I rode by … a dummy.
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Oct 31, 2001
Sounds like you guys had a good ride. You have to love the little twist they throw in to play with your guys heads during the race. I was hoping to join you guys this weekend for your club enduro but ended up racing the Jackrabbits Race out in Teagle Wash. Definately a fun first loop and a tough second loop.

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Rich - hopefully we'll see you next weekend at the UEA enduro. You missed a good one this past weekend.

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
Results are up

I took 5th. :)

Eel it says DNF'd but that can't be right because I know he finished. It also says Dick Cressy DNF'd on our minute. Maybe there was a missed check????
He only had a few seconds on his time and looked like he would have a good result.


Mar 9, 2004
scar tissue said:
Results are up

I took 5th. :)

Eel it says DNF'd but that can't be right because I know he finished. It also says Dick Cressy DNF'd on our minute. Maybe there was a missed check????
He only had a few seconds on his time and looked like he would have a good result.

I warned everyone at the riders meeting don't cut corners or you might miss a split. I even followed it up with "dick cressy" under my breath... but did he listen?
Dick and Eels minute, along with the minute after them, missed the split to the amateur finish, along with an extra mile of course. Billy said he marked the hell out of the corner at the split, and pulled the 0.15 miles of ribbon to the merge... but I guess autopilot took over.

Glad that everyone mostly liked the course. I (along with the other trailbosses) happen to like tight rocky canyons, so you got to see alot of them. The speeds seemed pretty close, since it looks like most of the class winners only lost points in the final specials. It sounds like I could have put in a little bit more catch up time in each of the loops so people weren't working as hard for as long. We decided to make it a 4-looper, with about 60 ground miles, so I didn't want to put too much extra time in or we would've been out there until 3:00.

I couldn't believe how hidden Mark and Susan were when they had their Ghiley suits on. They said they had some riders screaming like little girls when they jumped out on the second loop... wish I had some video of that. Also glad that Charlie Dummy made people timekeep up to that bush...

I messed up on one of the mileage signs, but other than that I'm pretty happy with the race.

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
there was a spot where Dick, myself and I think it was Van all lost the course ... it was a trail that kinda ended in a wash ... you could left up the wash, right up the wash, or up a small rise sorta straight but leftish ... we went left and saw no ribbon, came back and saw ribbon to the right and followed it down the wash ... is that where we missed the split ? i'm at a loss and kinda bummed 'cause I really don't understand how we missed it


Mar 9, 2004
Someone else said they lost the course at one point, but I think that was after Billy. The split was at 6.85 miles, and it was after a short, tight, rocky canyon (I know, doesn't narrow it down much). The first 3 loops, you had to veer hard left for a short (0.19) mile connection to the big trail that headed back to camp. On the last loop, you veered right to a spot maybe 50 yards away where you should have rode down a 15 foot rock waterfall chute into a canyon. Billy said he marked that section really well, and he put a bunch of ribbon on the chute to make people go down it instead of an easier line that was available like 10 feet to the side. Since you guys were on minute 13&14, there should have been a decent track going that way (unless Dick skipped the corner). Maybe an arrow got knocked down, but minutes 15&16 made it to the split. I dunno. Sometimes as a trailboss you mark a corner lighter than it should be because in your mind, you know which way you are supposed to be going. Also, things look different at race speed. Anyways, if something was marked bad, I apologize. I hate throwing a race away because I lost the course, but sometimes it happens.

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
no worries ... it is what it is. thanks for all the work on the course .. it was definitely a fun one.
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