Dec 2, 2003
I have heard of that in the D class also (3 wins and out). Not sure if they are enforcing it. I thought of runing the D class and see what happens. I have been riding long enough that I should be a C class racer. But heck maybe I will try my hand at D class till they boot me out.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Don that pic of Digger is totally awesome - that should be the new "thrill of VICTORY pic"!! Wore out, yes - put everything into the day, YES - take it to the limit - yes yes - do it any other way, HECK NO, NOT DIGGER!!!!!!!!
You rock Digger - keep up the good work and listen to your Dads advice!! RACE SMART AND WIN!!
Sounds like everyone is having a great time at Big Air - inspite of the sandbaggers!

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