
Nov 16, 2005
Hey all,

I live in so. CA and most of my riding is in dusty conditions, especially when I am behind 5 guys :laugh: I was wondering if any of you wear something in particular to keep the dust down inside your helmet? I find that a lot of dust and dirt gets in my mouth when I ride and was wondering if there is anything that I can buy or do to eliminate this? I was thinking about trying a hankerchief tucked up in my helmet but not sure if this works or not. I also get a lot of dust INSIDE my goggles. The dust seems to find its way past the foam on my goggles. Do any of you have this problem and if so do you do anything for it or just end up eating the dust and dirt?


Jan 30, 2000
A bandana across your mouth works so-so for keeping dust out, a painter's mask from Home Depot works well but make sure you get one with an exhaust valve in it or you will overheat very quickly.

I use baby oil (or foam filter oil but it may irritate your eyes at first) on my goggle foam to keep the dust out of my goggles - they will get pretty dirty and will need to be washed often if it bothers you.

Best thing is to just wait until the dust settles a bit and then go.


Mar 24, 2004
You have to be the guy in front :cool: eaiser said than done... One thing I like to do when I can is to use the wind to keep the dust away position you self so the wind takes care of thr dust... but if there is no wind, sometimes you just have to let them go... then real them back in and pass them ASAP :nod:


Dec 29, 1999
The little paper dust/paint masks they sell in any paint department work well for keeping dirt out of the mouth. They come several in a package and are cheap. Before you have used them all the little rubber strap that holds them on rots so buy as few as you can.

Dust through your goggles doesn't need to be a problem. First the goggles must fit your face, around the nose is usually the problem. Second they must fit inside your helmet properly. If the goggles press against the helmet on the outside edges, it pushes the foam up in the center allowing dust in around the nose.

Goggles don't last too long. The thin foam vents above the eyes wear out first, then the foam around the forehead goes flat. I have never found a satisfactory way to replace them.

If sweat is a problem many guys use very thin panty liners, stuck on to their foreheads. If you don't know what I am talking about ask a woman.



Nov 16, 2005
Looks like staying out front is the best...

Staying out front or off to the side will probably have to do. Its a dirty sport but someone has to do it! :laugh: Thanks for the replies.


Aug 2, 2004
i always try to stay as close as i can to the person in front while standing up out of the dust, one of the few times my height comes in handy ;)

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