
Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Tonight my wife and I attended a funeral for a 22 year young man (2 years older then Spider). He was feeling sick at work last Thursday and his boss drove him home, on the way his boss called his mother to make sure she would be home soon to check on him. When she got home an hour later she found him dead from an anierism (sp?). We did not personally know Jeff and we went mainly because his father is an attorney my wife has brought with her at her last 3 jobs but I got to know him a bit through our mutual interest in motorcycles. While looking at the walls of photos we got to one section showing Jeff riding mini-moto, super-moto, and superbikes and what really shocked me- his number was 35 the same as Spider has always had. He never really rode dirt except at the family property just playing around.
After the service we started driving home and after about 15 minutes of silence we both got the idea at the same time- we needed to call Spider at school just to tell him we loved him.
I guess I am just saying to everyone be sure you let those around you know how you feel because you never know what lies ahead
Feb 12, 2008
i know that feelin all too well
i had recently moved across the country just to get away from my parents and realized after a while that it was a stupid ass move and have to make sure they were ok and my younger brother. so now my relationship with them is much better and i feel much better knowing that they are good while i am 2000 miles away.

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