
Dec 31, 1969
DRN Subscriptions

Due to the ever-increasing server costs, I’ve had to change the way some of this stuff works; mainly, disable some of the advanced features of the site. It’s awesome to see an average of 25 new members each day, but with every new member comes more cost to run the site.

Registered members will still get to read and post, however the advanced features will only be available to “Subscribers”. The features listed below are a major part of the bandwidth/cpu usage. The only other choice we had was to disable them all together.

With a yearly subscription, you have these benefits:

1) Avatars – (A library to choose from)
2) Ability to post pics in threads (soon with auto-sizing)
3) Ability to post photos in the photo album ( Photos )
4) Use Private Messaging
5) Use Signatures in your posts
6) View member profiles
7) Post for sale items in the For Sale/Wanted Forum
8) Post your own Polls in forums
9) Post events, etc. in the Calendar
10) DirtRider.Net Email (web based email program "you@dirtrider.net)
11) Subscriber's Forum
12) Edit your posts
13) Edit your profile
14) The joy of knowing you are supporting the site :)

We are currently building a library of avatars for subscribers to choose from. Thump promises some sweet ones :cool: There are roughly 15 already available.

What’s it cost? $14. a year. That’s $1.66 per month, I hope a lot of you feel that DRN is worth a buck a month!

Right now there are less than 1% of the members (SupportTeam Members) helping support this site for everyone else. As much as I’d like to provide DRN free for everyone, I honestly can’t afford it anymore and need to make it self-supportive. Rather than going to a full subscription site like many others, I hope I’ve found a good compromise. Like I said, non-subscribers will still have access to all the forums and can post away. This does not affect SupportTeam Members in any way.

So that’s it. Sorry, I have to do it.

Please click here to Subscribe

DRN SupportTeam Memberships are still available. Click Here
Joining SupportTeam (yearly) adds (everything in the subscription option plus:)
- Private SupportTeam Only Forums
- Ability to use custom Forum Skins (Styles)
- DirtRider.Net Email Account with web access
- Expanded photo album space (bigger file sizes and 5 Megs of space)
- SupportTeam Avatar (or pick another)

Lifetime Membership adds:
- even more photo space
- Your own website (includes site builder program, "yourname.dirtrider.net")
- TeamDRN Member patch (quantities limited!)


Sep 22, 2000
Tried four times and unable to use paypal :(
Would not accept my email address and password while setting up a new--first time account.


Dec 31, 1969
That's odd? Usually a very quick simple thing.

Note: After your account is upgraded, everything is turned on. To use an avatar, go to your control panel, edit options, then click the avatar link at the bottom of the page. All the choice will show up. Mark the one you want and submit.

Check the avatars every few days, we're adding more all the time.


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
Originally posted by Okie
Lifetime Membership adds:
- even more photo space
- Your own website (includes site builder program, "yourname.dirtrider.net")
- TeamDRN hat and member patch (quantities limited!)

< ADMIN EDIT : If you'd like to see the post "who do I owe what" in the members forum, your querstion is answered. >

On a side note, I think that it's a shame that only 1% of 20,000 registered members are supporting the site financially. I'd suggest restricting functionality / features even more to motivate more people to pony up with some cash. This is the best deal around! If you spend more on a graphics kit for your bike than you've contributed to this site, then shame on you!


Oct 1, 2002
Well, I subscribed but still haven't been able to gain access to even read most of the forums. I was on last night at midnight when this must have taken affect and it shut me down... I almost cried. This forum is totally worth a subscription. If I'm doing something wrong please let me know so I can continue to spend countless hours reading the forum. Thanx


Alowishus Devadander
Nov 10, 1999
Is the search threads since last visit prohibited without the subscription?

No searches without a subscription? Will DRN be flooded with repeat posts?


Oct 31, 2001
Okie I really enjoy using and reading the DRN site and would gladly pay the yearly subscription price. You do a great job and I appreciate the hard work. Plan on seeing my check in the mail.


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
I knew that being a LIFETIME SUPPORT MEMBER would pay off. :yeehaw:

I'm not bragging or anything, but I feel really special.


Mar 11, 2000
I have a friend who used to stop by my shop before every race. He alway's has the same dilemia, needs to prep the bike and get some input. Cleans his air cleaners in my nice clean solvent, uses my lubes, oils, jets, plugs, used tires, tools etc. Never did he voluntarily bring any supplies, nor volunteer any donations. I finally said something, he doesn't stop by much anymore. I don't mind helping, and do alot, but when a grown adult with a job, starts to abuse this, at my and others expense (profits from other friends that pay), I learned to draw the line.

Maybe there's no correlation, and I should have not made this post. But there is an awful lot of very credible, and proffesional help, doled out here for free. It is actually done willingly, but someone has to pay to keep the light's on. I have often wondered, how the heck Okie and the gang do it. I just assumed that they were independantly wealthy, and needed a large capital loss to depreciate out. I'm sure logically looking at the benifit to cost ratio, you have to agree what a bargain this is. There are plenty of free sites out there, but I have yet to see even one, that enforces and prides itself, to be based on accurate and correct information.


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Good post, ochster. I got tired of that game also. Two years ago, I decided to cut ties with any of my 'friends' that were leeches. I wound up with 2 people to hang out with. :silly:

It was a tough call at the time, but it was the right thing to do. Now I have new friends that don't mind picking up the tab occasionally. I have to fight with some of them when the check comes for dinner/drinks, etc., cuz they always want to pay. When I think of the losers I used to hang with, I want to slap myself. What was I thinking?


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Dang, Ochster. I think that says it all.

(note to self, take my painter bud out to dinner . . .)


Jul 3, 2001
If I subscride, will I be able to use the "view last threads in 24 hrs" function? It's the best way IMO to browse the boards and it is not working for me. Count me in for a subscriptoin as well. I will probably end up sending a check via snail mail. So $12 American = $18.75 Canadian. Just helpful for other Canadian members wanting to help.


Sep 3, 2001
will my pm function be restored as previous, or was it deleted? I don't have a problem with paying, but now i'm trying to remember what I had "saved" in my pm box.

you may want to re-explain the different "levels" or the difference between a "membership" and a "support team member". If I become a "support team member", does this also grant me the benefits of the $12 membership? this may have already been explained somewhere, but I can't find it as my search function no longer works :debil:

one more question...if a person pays for the $12 membership now, then later decides to ante up to the full stm, is the $12 credited towards the stm?

Last edited:


Nov 7, 2000
It was about time that I stepped up and joined. I was not so sure about signing up, but after going to Dirtweek I was very sure I wanted to do this. There was a thread shortly after dirtweek about the support team. I was meaning to sign up then.

Thanks for the kickstart Okie (I to agree with ochster)


Resident nudist
Apr 17, 2002
Hey, since we're asking questions... what about bringing back mojo for supporting members? :)

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