
Mod Ban
Dec 19, 2007
Ok, maybe its just me, but it seems that everyone who rides a Honda 50 thinks that they are invincible and indestructible, and better than everybody ese. That perhaps driving like an idiot won't have consequences if you're on a 50. That doubling up the middle of the road helmetless is totally ok if you're riding a 50. That darting in front of someone on a 250 is totally safe, if you are on a 50. And my personal favorite, riding 3 abreast down a curvy switch-backy trail is ok if you are all on 50's. Of course, if they saw me acting like this on my 250, they would think I am insane and dangerous. Hey, at least when I am doubling up the middle of the road on my 250, MY ( and whoever is doubling with me) heads are ABOVE bumper height, anything that hits me is gonna hit my bike first. And NO, them doubling up the road on a 50 isn't any more legal than doing it on a 250. Its just qiueter, but you are much less visible. At least you hear me coming(from quite a ways), you can definitely see me coming, and I have enough power to get me out of a sticky situation if need be, I can actually go the speed limit.

Last night I was out on the trail, and I actually just about hit one of these "50" riders, he ended up wiping out and skidding down the trail quite a ways. Of course, I felt absolutely terrible, and stopped immediately to make sure he was ok ( even though I should have walked over there and kicked him till he fell down again). I had been coming up to a sharp blind corner, so I had slowed right down to 2nd gear, and stuck to my side of the trail, on the edge, just to be safe incase someone was coming. This guy on his 50 came screaming around the corner towards me, as fast as he could go, right on my side of the trail, not even looking for other trail users. He saw me at about the same time I saw him, there was nothing I could really do, as I was allready as far to the right as I could get, and my brakes aren't good enough to do anything( I really need to do something about those). So, he swerved as hard as he could, wiped out, and skidded. My only thought as this was happening was " oh my god, if I head on him, I'll kill him". I mean, the guys head is level with the tip of my front fender, If we'd have collided, I wouldn't have hit his bike, I would have hit him dead on right in the face/chest. Thankfully, everybody was ok, just a little shaken up. The other two "50" riders just sat there, stunned looking, not saying much. I was polite, but inside I was really pissed off. I mean, I ride an RM250, I have the ability to ride like a real jerk and put people in danger, but I know my bike, I know my limits as a rider, and I am careful. But its like these 14-25 year old guys on minis think that they are invincible and that everything they do is ok. If an accident would have happened, he'd have been the one injured, and I would take all the blame cuz I am on the bigger faster bike and should have been looking out for them. :pissed:

Sorry guys, I just needed to vent. I don't want to hurt anybody, no matter how stupid they are. and I don't want to be blamed for an accident that I didn't cause. Maybe next time one of then gets too close to me when I'm on my bike,I'll just stick my leg straight out, and punt 'em right off his little 50 :laugh:


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
I think the problem lies more in the fact that they are 14-25 year olds than the size of their bikes.

they're probably also canadian.

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
Dang 4-stroke riders


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
XRpredator said:
I think the problem lies more in the fact that they are 14-25 year olds than the size of their bikes.

they're probably also canadian.


Now 250girl, girls grow up faster than boys. You are now 15 or 16? Right before our eyes you have matured enough to wear boots, possibly a helmet. You've maybe given passing thought to discarding the miniskirt in favor of riding pants, and at least considered not riding double up with your girlfriend when you graduated to the powermonster??

Very soon, young lady, you'll be graduating to a chest protector, gloves, and leatt neck brace.

Cut the boys some slack. They get wise a little slower than gals- Usually start showing some signs of maturity and a brain when they are pushing 60. :p


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
hmmm. I reread your post.

Maybe the behavior IS more explainable by the canadian angle after all.

250girl said:
Hey, at least when I am doubling up the middle of the road on my 250, MY ( and whoever is doubling with me) heads are ABOVE bumper height, anything that hits me is gonna hit my bike first. And NO, them doubling up the road on a 50 isn't any more legal than doing it on a 250. Its just qiueter, but you are much less visible. At least you hear me coming(from quite a ways), you can definitely see me coming, and I have enough power to get me out of a sticky situation if need be, I can actually go the speed limit.


Mod Ban
Dec 19, 2007
fatcat216 said:
Now 250girl, girls grow up faster than boys. You are now 15 or 16? Right before our eyes you have matured enough to wear boots, possibly a helmet. You've maybe given passing thought to discarding the miniskirt in favor of riding pants, and at least considered not riding double up with your girlfriend when you graduated to the powermonster??

Very soon, young lady, you'll be graduating to a chest protector, gloves, and leatt neck brace.

I am 16. And I have graduated to boots, ALWAYS a helmet, (unless I am going from the lawn to the shed) and if I cam going out for a serious ride with the guys then yes, biking pants. And, I am sorry to dissapoint you, but I still double up all the time, and ride all over the place with my friend. :nod:

But for me, it isn't about keeping myself safe. I am concerned about hurting someone else. Whatever, if I hirt myself, I'll (hopefully) get over it. I just don't want to injure any other trail users, that is why I am careful.

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
Doesn't all this riding gear and being careful make texting awfully difficult? :p
Apr 30, 2007
250girl said:
Of course, I felt absolutely terrible, and stopped immediately to make sure he was ok ( even though I should have walked over there and kicked him till he fell down again).

Maybe next time one of then gets too close to me when I'm on my bike,I'll just stick my leg straight out, and punt 'em right off his little 50 :laugh:

Seriously...that is a downright funny image! :rotfl:

You probably shouldn't do it, since my falling to the temptation ended up pretty badly.

Or...actually...it was back in the day when I first got my CR 80 and was learning to ride it (instead of my xr100). The neighbor kid came over on his TTR 90, and thought it would be funny to swing into my yard, ride back to my "track" (small oval, 2 super small jumps built with spade) and fly in there going the opposite way I had designed my track to run.

After several near misses (he'd leave after one lap, then come back 4 minutes later), I had enough.

I put out my foot and got him straight in the chest (only gear was helmet and sunglasses back then) I wasn't totally successful, as we both ended up crashing.

Unfortunately, his grandpa came over later, and cussed me out for hurting his grandson. Once I got in my side of the story, he shook his head and left. It got to the point where I refused to ride with him anymore, and we asked his grandparents to keep him off our property (he used to come over every day during the summer, for three years in a row :whoa: ).


Sep 3, 2007
If this guy was on a bigger bike what do you think would be different?

Probably the speed, and the outcome. Faster speed, worse outcome.

You can probably be thankful he was only on a 50!


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
This is Mick's little brother, he's 22 but not Canadian ;)


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2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
Yeah... be nice to the Canadians. I saw on tv last night that they have quite an advanced and respected "Trans-gender Health Program."
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Aug 9, 2008
I dont think the canucks are planning an invasion into the US! I think they are probably stacked up on the boarder to keep us yanks out lol! Canadians are great :cool:

It does seem like alot of the 50 riders come with a bad attitude while out riding!


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
I have a 50, it is broke. I have figured a method to make the oversized rider more in touch with reality, make them ride in flip-flops! Not so feeling like James Stuart anymore? 250 girl, that mud bog vid would have been way cooler had it been done on a 50! I have been meaning to ask, was the unibrow natural or woman-made? Pred, that may be all the draft dodgers and civil war dodgers coming back?


Mod Ban
Dec 19, 2007

The uni-brow was drawn on with a dark brown felt pen. My natural uni-brow is black :nener:

We aren't massing on the border to invade, we're massing on the border to prevent frostbite. ;)

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
The whole Trans-gender program thing I saw on tv the other night kinda creeped me out... you've always been a girl I hope? :p

No, I'm not letting this one go.


Mod Ban
Dec 19, 2007
Yup, I am all girl, always have been.5'6'' Long hair, curves - the whole nine yards. Even with all my gear on , you can tell I am a chick, the jersey can't hide those. None of this trans gender stuff-ick, we'll leave that to Pred. :p


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Never heard of a trans gender Pred. Maybe a case of beastiality, but he does not like KDX's. He's bigfoot! 250 girl, I only watched that clip 5 or 10 times, in awe mind you! And was drawing a possible link to sasquatch?

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
XRpredator said:
They're also massing at the border.


Probably going to invade
Those are Mortgage Co CEOs with pocketfuls of campaign moneys. I guess everyone wants to be like us Americans. :yikes:


Mod Ban
Dec 19, 2007
:blah: Ok guys, I am going to have to make another vid. One of me looking like myself. No unibrow, gumboots, uncomfortably yanked up shorts, and no freaky hillbilly pigtails. I assure you that I am not part trans gender, part sasquatch, or related to Pred. Although I have been accused of giving off lesbian vibes..... :blah:

For all you trans gender sasquatch 250girl believers, you can add me on facebook, there are some more realistic pics on there lol. I go by Rebeca Smith and my display pic is of a girl on a blue dirtbike. Fairly easy to find :nener:
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2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
Sorry, I guess you're getting overly picked on. I'm staying away from Facebook though... imagination is much more fun.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
I must have missed the picture or video or whatever with the unibrow.

sucks to get old.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
250girl said:
For all you trans gender sasquatch 250girl believers, you can add me on facebook, there are some more realistic pics on there lol. I go by Rebeca Smith...
Nice helmet Rebeca Smith! :cool:


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