
Jan 3, 2002
Advice needed. I am back into trail riding after a 10 year break. I am a 5'5 female who has previously owned a range of bikes both MX and trail from 80cc to 250. I am looking for a bike that is light, has low seat height, low down torque and good suspension and the only 2 bikes that seem to fit are the Pampera 250 and XR200.All riding will be on rough overgrown trails and washed out gullies etc.maybe some dirt roads in between. Reasonable top end would be a bonus but low down is necessary. Pampera is not yet available here in Australia but due soon. Not interested in XR100 or TTR125. Can anyone advise me on the suitability of the Pampera versus the XR, eg. reliability, starting, ability, ride quality, etc.

Thanks in advance for any advice,



Aug 29, 2001
Sorry, haven't ridden the Pampera yet and the last XR200 I rode was about twenty years ago so I can't help you there.

But I just thought I'd mention that here in Japan "GG" means "decrepit old man" so if in fact you decide on the Gas Gas you might consider finding another way to abbreviate it. :)

Imagine telling a group of Japanese tourists "I ride a GG".:scream:


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
You did a good thing putting "Pampera" in the title. Expect to hear from our resident South African Rabid Pampera Expert when he gets back from some weekend riding.:D


Jun 6, 2000
We just dumped my wife's '97 XR200 to get a new 250 GG Pampera. The both have the same 34" seat height. The bike is perfect for a 5'5" woman. The XR was hard to start after a fall, especially in hot weather, and weighs about 35 lbs more. No contest, wait for the GG.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Don't get the XR. It's a great beginners bike, but you'll find your knowledge/skills come back to you quickly & will be disappointed just as fast. The suspension leaves a lot to be desired, they can be pigs to start and they're heavy.

I've ridden (briefly) a 97/98 Pampera, but would love to try the newer one as they're meant to be so different.

Check out the thread on the Husky TE250, the article's from Sidetrack magazine & sounds great. Another bike you may want to consider is the KDX, which can be lowered cheaply/easily (do a search on this in the KDX forum, it's been explained numerous times). I'm 5'3" & ride a 200, but understand the 220 has more torque.

Hope that helps some & doesn't cloud the issue too much - if you're determined on either the GG (horse) or XR, go for the GG.


Jan 3, 2002
Yes, Thank You everone, I am reading ALL replies and following up all links and much appreciate the input.



Feb 9, 2000
Expect to hear from our resident South African Rabid Pampera Expert when he gets back from some weekend riding.

you got that right Patman, was out again this weekend riding, perfect weather, a good time was had by all.

Tried some more steep hill climbs this weekend, and this little baby pulled them all, the power is really impressive. My buddy who rides a DRZ thinks it does not have enough power, but gets pretty red in the face when I leave him on the rocky technical stuff.

So yes, if you don't have to wait too long, give the Gas Gas Pampera some serious consideration. The girls who have them love them, and I know of one who even races enduro on them.

The P250 and P280 are awesome bikes, not quite what you'd expect from a little bike, the power comes in from the bottom, there is no big hit like an MX bike, you do get some engine breaking, the Gas Gas trials motor is perfect for this bike.

So Patman, how about joining us for the Amarillo fest, come check out the Pampera - March 9/10


Jan 3, 2002
Question, what is a 280? We are only getting the 250 here. Is the 280 a 250 with oversized piston etc. or a different bike altogether?



Jun 28, 2001
i'm in australia as well and i ride the same sort of trails and country as you, i have an 00 XR200 it was a good bike but i am lookin for heaps more power now, i havnt riden or even seen the gas gas so i cant pick one over the other, but all i can say about the XR is the suspension will need to be tricked up unless you want it to bottem on a bump or leak oil all over your swingarm and your front rim after going over a jump and alike, i have had new seals put in my forks 5 times in just under 2 years. the XR has alright power and the engine is super low maintanance, it has alright top end power i clocked mine at 111km/h on a bitumen road. also brakes are very crap as they arnt putting disc's on the 200's yet they are still crappy drums. i have had my brakes fixed about 4 times in 2 yrs. but other those 2 major faults its not a bad bike. if i where going to suggest a bike i would be getting a four stroke 250 or a 2 stroke 200 such as KDX or KTM, they are both good bike i've ridden both and seen a KDX200 unmodified do 160km/h on a bitumen road.


Jan 3, 2002
Yes, I have looked at the 4 stk 250's and the KDX 200/220 but they are way too tall for me.Even if I lowered them a couple of inches I still couldn't touch the ground at allor maybe just with one boot tip. My riding is usually on a sheep property and includes getting on/off the bike to open/close gates throughout the rides. It takes the fun out of it if I have to 'climb' on and off and look for level spots to dismount on all the time.



Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
BB that sounds apealing, I'll have to check my schedule with the "events coordinator" and get back to ya'.:)


Feb 9, 2000
The Pampera 280 is a USA spec motorcycle, and uses the 272 cc TXT engine, I think it is only the bore that is different.

I don't know if the rest of the world is going to see the P280 - maybe you need to get onto your local dealer and get on their case. The bikes are very similar, the 280 has a little more power, and is harder to start, very hard kick.

Had to laugh, took my bike for its inspection on Saturday, and the guy doing the test was keen to give it a bash, funny thing is, he could not start it, it is not as easy to kick as other two strokes because of the trials engine.

Ann, from what I hear, the 250 is probably a better bet for you, go check it out. Also check out the woman's forum, and get in touch with CJ Rider, or trailwench.


Aug 14, 2001
Pampera vs. XR200 @MoonRocks Nevada.

Sunday's Hill Climb at MoonRocks Nevada...
Pegasus rode the (CJ's) 250 Pampera and Firelily road her XR200 in the weekend hill climb.
It was a thing of beauty to see these ladies charge this impossible hill to climb. The weekend was tremendous. And this small event made it that much better.
Come on ladies lets hear from you all on this post.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
BB it is amusing to watch those "uninitiated" to trials bike try and fire them up. For me it was actually easier since my 360 takes a good leg to make the piston move but I think BigLou can vouch that boots are a must on my Montesa :p

CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
Re: Pampera vs. XR200 @MoonRocks Nevada.

... Come on ladies lets hear from you all on this post....
Ooops, I'm late!

The Pampera may be just what yer looking for, Ann. I was surprised how easily it negotiated steep rocky narrow trails this weekend. It also did surprisingly well in big deep sandy whoops. I wasn't expecting that. It's light weight, low seat height, full-sized tires (good for negotiating over objects), starts easy as pie, lots of low torque, lots of power. However, ya gotta try it first. It's different. It's a mountain goat and a super trail bike, not a race bike. I love my bike!

I rode a KX100 this weekend for a bit and that felt better in the whoops (more suspension), but I'm sure I'd hate to have that on a steep rocky trail.

Mini (on the XR200 in the story, very cool chick) is about your height and thought she might opt for the KDX220 instead after trying my bike. Maybe the ergos felt a little more in proportion or something. Mini? What are your thoughts?


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Since you have ridden before I would seriously take a look at a KTM 200. You can take 5mm out of the subframe which will lower the seat about .75" and also cut the seat foam if you are uncomfortable with the seat height. I know that GoSpeedRacer got off her KTM200MXC and rode the Pampera this last weekend and was severely disappointed in the GG.

CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
Remember TTRGuy, there may be a height/ergo issue here. GoSpeedRacer looks to me like she's maybe 5'10" with very long legs. I liked the power of the KTM200 I tried this weekend, but I wouldn't want anything to do with it on tight technical stuff. It'd feel like me riding a buffalo on a trail meant for goats! Size does matter.

Another thought: For the first time, I wasn't constrained by my bike in keeping up with the intermediate pack this weekend. The P250 easily kept up just fine in both the whoops and the narrow rocky trails with folks riding KTM200s. This little bike can do more than I can so there's room to grow. But it IS different, so trying it first is a must.
Last edited:


Feb 9, 2000
GSR - lets here the inside scoop, 'severely dissapointed' !? huh :eek:


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Oh boy, Ummm, errrr.... :o

Well, to be perfectly honest. I didn't like it. It's not at all what I thought it would be like. But just because it wasn't right for me doesn't mean it's not a good bike for others.

I had no idea the bike was so small!! Of course CJ's seat foam was cut down to accommodate her height, but still, the whole bike is tiny. Is it classified as a mini bike? Obviously at 5’10 I was very cramped on it.

IMO it felt kind of underpowered for a 250cc bike. I took it up a little hill climb and couldn’t keep it from bogging. I assumed the gearing takes some getting used to or something. I took it through some whoops and couldn’t skip over them like I can on my bike, but of course I probably weigh about as much as 3 CJ’s put together! ;)
It's kind of hard to compare since it's a derivative of a trials bike and I have no experience with trials bikes. It was just very different all around and found that it just isn’t my cup of tea. Please don't take my opinion as some sort of slam on the bike but there is just no way that bike would work for me.


Sep 27, 2001
Since you have previous experience with riding, you dont need to look at a beginners bike like the XR. My riding buddy has a few XR 200's for his wife and daughter, and I have ridden them (helping them through tough spots, roots, uphills etc) and I personally think they are junk. The suspension is crap, the quality of components are crap, the technology is minimum 20 years old. Do yourself a favor and get a newer, technologically updated bike for your hard earned cash. If you were a petite, reserved, beginning rider, I might recommend a used XR for the first 2 months to get used to offroad, but dont buy it as a bike you will be spending a lot of time on. The KDX can be found cheap with all the mods, and it is 10X the bike the XR will ever dream of being. I recently sold one after having one for 8 years, and I can attest to the fact that they are bullet proof! They have the power to pull my 6' - 2", 225 pound (w/gear) frame around, and the suspension should be adeguate for you as well. They start first kick hot or cold, and you should easily get 70 miles out of a 3 gallon tank. Good Luck in what ever you choose.


Feb 9, 2000
So, Anne

When do you get to see or test the Pampera 250. Let us know what you think.

Like GSR says, it is a very different bike, not tall like a full size MX bike, and not peaky like a 2 stroke MX machine, the power comes on very differently, no hard hit, just lots of torque, it has some almost 4 stroke like qualities. On some of the hills I was climbing this weekend, I could ride as slow as I wanted, did not need to be in the powerband, and the bike just pulled and pulled, I was switching between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd gear for different hills, and did a lot of the technical stuff in 3rd - this bike makes trail riding easy.

At 5'8" this bike suits me perfectly, so if you are a little on the short side, this bike will fit you really well. If you are tall (er), then the GG EC200 may be a better bet !

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