
Nov 17, 2005
A buddy of mine and I are heading to Genesse county's Mounds ORV scramble area in the morning. We haven't been there before, and we wanted to check it out as a place for a quickie afternoon romp.

Ted is bringing his '73 Suzuki TS185, and I'll be trying to keep up on my '92 Yamaha WR500. We should be there about 10 AM.

Anyone else want to cut work and go? I can fit an extra bike on the trailer.... Cell phone is five-one-seven area code, and the last four digits spell my last name. *517*388-BURK


Nov 17, 2005
Great riding today!

The mounds were great today. Not too muddy, plenty of sand, and we had the run of the place. Only four quads and two jeeps were there, and we never saw them.

Ted & I practiced our berms and whoops, hit plenty of deep crevices, and I even found a 14-inch downed tree to log hop.

It was a fine place to just relax and practice our technicals, and I learned something new: That I am better at left-turns than right turns, because my right leg is still weak, even after physio-therapy. I got a cramp when doing the sandy right-turns on the berms.

At one point we found a nice jump, and we were getting three feet of air and flying for a dozen feet or so. I kept wimping out on the jump and couldn't bring myself to go more than half-throttle in second gear, for fear of launching myself to the moon.


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