Red 250

Mar 31, 2008
Ok so I broke my arm 7 weeks ago. I just got the cast off this past Monday.. I am wearing a brace to take some of the stress off the arm but i was wondering how long should I wait to get back to riding and should I be doing anything to rehab the arm to make that time shorter. I broke both bones below the wrist. I am experiencing some pain but it is manageable. Just more dull aches really. Any help would be great thanks ...........................Red

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Only your doctor can tell you when you have healed sufficiently and when/if you are ready for any rehab.

Good luck with it and please post back what your time frame was.

Red 250

Mar 31, 2008
High Lord Gomer said:
Only your doctor can tell you when you have healed sufficiently and when/if you are ready for any rehab.

Good luck with it and please post back what your time frame was.
yeah I just figured someone else had some prior experience and could kind of give me a rough time frame .. Thanks for the reply


Apr 18, 2006
It varies with the person and it will also vary a lot with the doctor.

I have discovered that there are at least two major trains of thought on the healing process.

Thought one is to keep it imobilized until the healing is complete. Don't risk additional injury.

The other thought is that you want to keep it as active as you can, keep the blood flowing and especially to keep the muscles from degrading during the recovery.

If you go to a sports medicine doctor you are likely to get the "get you going ASAP" approach. If you go to a doctor that specializes in old folk then you will get the "imobilize until we are sure" approach.

Either way, pain and swelling are a sure sign that things are not well.



Jan 17, 2008
I broke my humerous about 8-9 weeks ago, but my doc sucks and didn't tell me when i could ride again just said not to lift to much weight, but my gf who is a nursing student said i need to wait until june, but i have road a couple times around the yard, i guess i will give it a little more time before i hit the woods.

Red 250

Mar 31, 2008
rmc_olderthandirt ............ Well I am with the so long as it doesn't hurt too bad do what you can theory. I really want to ride but I am willing to wait if it means long term I will be better off. I have bought a riding brace and it feels pretty good but I dont want to put too much pressure on the arm before i should. The doctor just told me to see him in 2 weeks. Before that he said to not lift more than 5 pounds. I am going in on Monday and ask about it to see what he says.........Thanks for the input guys... much appreciated .................Red

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