Is Eric Gorr in the House??(125 tuning)


Jul 5, 2001
hey marcus- how do you go from 29hp to 35jp with just a pipe mod?? he mustv'e done more mods to it than that. if you know what they are, id like to find out cause im about to get an 02 cr125 cause i just got a job at a dealership. thanks!

ps- would a DEP pipe and silencer combo be a great choice for the 02cr125? thanks marcus!



Jan 9, 2000
He definatly made more mods than just a pipe-tuners rarely tell you all the mods they do as it does them out of a job:p a pipe added about 1hp,im finding on a 125 if you can get 1hp out of a mod without giving up power elsewhere you are doing well.

If you do a search on the 02cr125 steve/pete/eric and me have given you loads of good tuning info-this must be the most talked about engine on DRN:eek:

The DEP pipe is a good effort on a very hard to improve engine but a better start would be a DEP silencer and a v force.
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Claus Menne

Jan 11, 2002
02 YZ125 / 250

Nice to read about different tuning, pipes and so for the bikes.
I have 02 YZ 125 and 250.
What would you (anyone) recommend for them (pipe etc.)
I might get a Rinaldi kit for the 250. I had one last year for a 01 YZ 250.



Jul 5, 2001
The 02 cr 250 made 47.1 @ 7900 RPM on my dyno and that was all stock .The curve was very straight as you mentioned. Steve 125 and me got 33 HP out of the 02 cr 125 with some fiddling with the intake and carb.

Pete- i am in the process of getting the 02 CR125, i have a job at a honda dealership and they have a few in stock. I read about using the 00 intake manifold (already purchased for $20 from my dealer :confused: ) and my next purchase is the 02 CR125 V-Force reed cage. What mods have you down to yer 02 to get 33hp? bigger carb? aftermarket pipe? do you have dyno tests to back it up? let me know bud! thanks!


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