
May 10, 2006
I am looking to get a 125, possible a 2001 kx125 or a 96cr125. A friend of mine told me that he heard that the kx125's cylinder walls flaked. Does anyone know if this is true or not? I know alot of about the cr's, but im looking for info on the kx's. Are they good bikes? how to they compare to the yz and cr125's. help would be much appreciated.



Jan 19, 2004
I had a 2002 KX125 which was a bit more updated, but very similar to the 2001. My cylinder walls never had the coating flake. But with any used bike you might need to have the cylinder relined. It had an easy to ride powerband, but probably not the fastest 125. I'm sure the right port job would wake up the motor if you wanted more power. Overall, it was a fun, reliable bike. I'd buy green again. Actually I did! :cool:


Aug 6, 2005
I have a 04 kx125... I had a problem with the plating flaking... But I had it seize up... so that’s why...

I like my bike alright... Not the best pick for 125 though.

If I were you I would get the newest bike you can possibly get, and stay away from CR125's... But that’s my opinion...

I would take my bike over EVERY cr125 I have ever ridden... Simply said unless they are highly modded they suck... I think the 06 is supposed to be pretty nice though
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